Revis doing everything he can to back peddle and avoid making the tackle!!! Seriously. Just cut his ass now.
Yes its the refs fault we are this awful. If only they werent against us tonight we would be winning tonight. You cant really believe this can you?
I'm not comparing him to Aikman and you know that. The point is, if a QB's first few games are enough for you to decide they suck, then you would have given up on him as well. No doubt about it. And I can list about 15 more guys who had good NFL careers. If you think a QB should come out and start throwing 120 ratings up every week, you have no understanding about football ... or really anything. Most people understand the simple concept of a learning curve.
How can you watch game film of Revis - see the BS he's pulling and total lack of effort - and even allow him to dress for a game, if not outright giving him his walking papers?
Thanks in glad i need to you to teach me. I know talent when i see it,but thanks anyway. Btw that's sarcasm, don't reply. I'm really not listening. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Personally, it would probably be better to have a walk on play than have Revis out there. Hell it'd probably be better to just have 10 guys on defense.