Nice halftime score, we need the D to come out firing in the secound half. We also get the first drive, so lets hope Chad and the offense put more points on the board before Miami gets the ball back
Squib kick to end the 1st half. Jets have the 21-13 Lead. Great first half offensively. Defensively it was so-so, but still, the Jets have the lead. Chad is playing great football. The Jets as a team, are playing great football. What's even sweeter is, we get the ball when halftime is over J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS!
21-13 at the half, I'll take it. The D has to tighten up in the 2nd half and we are golden. Looks like chad has recovered nicely from his first 2 throws.
I keep hoping they will show it I emailed Randy Lange this is what he replied back. Thanks for the email. Sorry you can't make it to the game. I doubt CBS will show the halftime ceremony live or in its entirety, but the network probably will provide some highlights, maybe some clips of Wayne as a player, then some footage from the ceremony. We'll be covering it on the Web site with stories, still photos and video. --Randy Lange Editor-in-Chief,
Fired up about that last TD...Man that was beautiful. My boy doesnt make that catch, 4 pts go off the board.
3 minutes to go in the half in the Eagles-Lions game and Kevin Curtis has 9 catches for 205 yards and 3 tds hmy: