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Discussion in 'Game Threads' started by Petrozza, Sep 11, 2011.
Pretty shit defensive play so far.
opening night/opening drive jitters. hold 'em to a FG
Come on defense lets get a stop right here.
Stop it right here.
damn... 123354
fuck almost had him.
Ugh. What a terrible first drive so far.
Zone is killing me.
fucking a.
1st and goal. *sigh*
Looks like you're ... I'm not getting banned...
Keep them out of the end zone D.
poor start
3rd and goal... hold them to FG!!!!
Nice coverage Darrelle.
nice coverage
Hold them!
Ropati on his ass
ok now we're getting back... let's limit them to a FG.
3rd and goal. Let's get a big stop here!!!!