Wow the offensive line sucks so much, now I see why our QB's suck.... we need to draft Chance Warmack and Johnathan Cooper holy shit our guards suck
Dbrick is one if the most overrated players in the nfl. He gets beat all the fucking time! He and Slauson fucking suck on the left side!
it is. I'd rather run the wildcock or option. Anything but Sanchez turning it over constantly. dammit defensive holding on 3rd and 17
Other than Mangold - and MAYBE he can stay around - they need to junk the rest of this line. For all the ripping Greene gets I'm stunned he even has 1000 yards with this joke of an OL and joke QB play.
Hey...they are in the game and he hasn't turned it over. Sanchez had plenty of time to show that he sucked. Give McElroy a chance to show what he has. I don't think he's the answer, but give it time.