they're playing lazy, they think the game is already one. This is coaching. Mangini has to keep the team focused!
"just like the Leafs....its a fuckin joke....the ppl who really care cant get a ticket....thats why if ur a Bills fan, going to games is so great....until they move the team to Toronto, where the exact same corporate thign will happen again..." Right on! Toronto is just another Corporate American market for the NFL. They're screwing the hard core fans in Buffalo for the cash! The NFL is run by a bunch of a-holes, just looking to cash in on the corporate suites.
drew coleman looks lost The crowd looks lost the defense looks pathetic No energy whatsoever Watch them comeback
What the hell is going on? Play with some energy! The coaches, players, and even the crowd are weak now.
I'd rather watch you not come back to this site. As soon as the other team scores...all of the complaining ass clowns show up.