you have 0 football sense if you say that. We are still frggin 14-18 Million over bro...oh yeah we will restructure DROB--HAHA I bet. ABE will save 8.3 but penny even if he resigns at 3 mill still has another 3 in sure $$ so thats a savings of 4-5...not even at even yet... Get a clue we will trade the pick away and move down...way down. i know we all want a one pick and fix solution but thats not gonna happen. heck we minght even trade out of the 1st round all togther, Im not kidding...We are such a financial mess and drafting a #1 or #4 can logically happen. Do your homework firts bro
I'm still mad at Bradway for ignoring the OL the last few years. Not even 1 pick last year? Ridiculous.
We always did because we had Bradway making the deals. Tannenbaum seems alot brighter and can't possible be worse than Bradway.
He made a bet and lost. I wouldn't speculate very much about this. If the brain trust is in love with Bush or Leinart or any one else and feel they have to trade up to get him, we will all get a chance to see how it pans out. They also may be making this deal now to clear Abe off the books and trade down out of the 1st pick later? I wouldn't make to much of this one way or another until the draft is over.
Terrible!!!! He just lost the biggest game of his life, and he is what 22? 23? give the kid a break. Guys, matt leinart is the best player in this draft and you can quote me on this. He has the best record maybe ever as a starter, one of the more accurate passers i have ever seen, he's big, tough, played many big games.
Hey Im with all of you, I really am...I can believe I just quoted myself but hey---Would I love Matt, Reggie, AJ, Cutler, Mario, D'Brick? YOU BET I WOULD but it wont happen. When are we gonna relize that 1) we have a new coach who wants "his kind of guys" 2) he has a nice spot at #4 to get more of "his kind of guys" 3) his GM will back him, he wont set him up to fail 4) as stated above, we dont have the $$ anyways to get a top 10 let alone a top 5 pick. Im sorry to break up the pary but, reality has set in
Explain something to me. Since Abraham is franchised any team could sign him to an offersheet (the Jets would immediately turn down matching it) and that team would have to send the Jets TWO first round picks in compensation. If that's the case, why on earth would any General Manager trade for Abraham and give away THREE first round picks? Has Bradway been hired as someone's GM? He is the only one dumb enough to do that.
because theres a difference between trading and signing an offer sheet, if we ellect to trade him that means we get whatever the other team offers if we accept bad. I'm new to the site and I hadn't seen much humor on it yet. LOL But I still think Bradway would be dumb enough to do it.
My point exactly. Why would any team TRADE 3 FIRST ROUND PICKS when they can sign him to an offer sheet and only have to give up TWO?
as much as i want Young or Cutler....i want Pennington to have one more chance to prove that he can play would save us a costly #1 and we can pick up someone we up to #1 for bush...not leinart...i wouldnt take leinart with a #4 pick...thats just my opinion....he's just a left handed version of penny..and i think Penny will do us good in the future...hes got heart....and a weanie arm...but a lot of heart...
just fine isnt good enough...if we are gonna draft a qb in place of chad...he better have a gun....and be able to move...enter Cutler, then Young
I think the key word is REBUILDING. If we agree to disagree (let's clear that up first), then as a REBUILDING team, you take Bush first. 1. I'd be interested in knowing what the top O lines in the NFL are by draft pick number. Also, let's not forget that Mangini is from the Patriots. Brady was drafted in what round? I'd like to think that a QB as our first pick probably won't happen. 2. Abraham to the Texans is like Curtis Martin on the Saints, borderline Purgatory/ Hell. No Championship opportunities there. If John was smart he'd try to stay. Coles learned the hard way that $$$ isn't everything. 3. Brick is nice, but we need defenses to adapt to us on offense. The best thing to do would be to get Bush. He'll get paid more from endorsements as a Jet than anything else, it's better for him to be in NYC. Expect to see Martin and Bush in the same backfield if we draft him. Also expect us to be able to sign him. He will be THE runningback for the future. The Jets seem to be headed in the RAMS mold on offense. Kurt Warner caught lightning in a bottle for 1 magical year. I'd rather sit back and watch us draft Bush at #1, and then go for a LT, and then a QB. Reason being: If Mawae and Kendall stay, Jones stays, we draft a new LT, and either draft or sign an OG, we'll be able to be competitive enough for the playoffs this year. Bush would have to take a long term deal with $$$ up front of course. 4. Chad, Chad, Chad. Our whole franchise will not rest on his shoulders. Bush is too good to pass up for the Jets. Cutler or Leinart? Can you see defensive coordinators talking about adjusting to them? Is Peyton great without James, Harrison, and Wayne, etc.? A qb is only as good as his weapons. We might shake some things up this year, but i look for us to do damage by next year. Bush is a MUST have. There is no Reggie Bush next year.