What an awsome response,very well thought out,How does that response even make anykind of sense? ,stop trying to cover up your bad posts Nyjetsrevis24:I agree with that,if all it woulda took was another 500k to bring Cro back and Cro returned to form after recovering from his hip issue then it makes zero sense.I'm gonna be so mad at Idzik if Cro has a pro bowl type of year in Arizona Flajetfan:Cro made the pro bowl last season
And here is the crier. My implication was you are going to be pissed anyway since cro made the probowl as one of the worst cb's in the league. as far as bad posts. You are in no position to be criticizing anyone with the diarrhea you spew all over this board
I know a couple dolphins fans who liked the guy and were upset to see him go to the jets. They also did caution that injuries were a big deal.
I don't get this one, at all... You let Cro walk for a little more money, for a guy who is often injured and is more comfortable in the nickle covering the opponents slot WR... I think this is Idzik taking a gamble on a guy that may ultimately wind up being a depth player.
MM was complaining today about this signing questioning paying Patterson, a player off of injuries $3 mil per season when they could have signed Cro for 3.5. He pointed out that Cro has played through injuries and not been off the field. But admitted he didn't play well. That's the reason. The Jets think Patterson is a better player than Cro and that's why they signed him and not Cro.
Anybody trying to compare Patterson to Cromartie is just embarrassing themselves. In his worst year Cromartie is light years better than this bum. There is a reason he changed teams 7 times in 8 years.
Patterson isn't a bum he just cant stay healthy. Cromartie in his worst year last year was absolutely horrendous. Wilson and Walls outplayed him. If Cro bounces back thats a different story but in Cro's worst year he wasn't deserving to be on the field.
I can't disagree about Patterson. I really don't get why he is paid $3 million. But people really need to get off Cromarties nuts. He was terrible last year and will be easily replaced.
Yeah, he was hurt and played bad last year, we know that. He was still better than this guy who played all of 6 games...we will all see. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan doesn't even play him, I am sure Walls will be better, at least he will know the system.
I can't wait to see the details of this contract so everyone can stop harping on the 3 mil. It is not guranteed. If he realizes the entire contract,my guess is ge did pretty good for us. He continues his injury trend my guess is he sees a fraction of it
Also a few other factors on Cro that some people might be over-looking. being from Chi and just getting my JETS confidential there was a huge article on Cro and how he hides behind players to avoid making tackles along with refusing to jam recievers at the line of scrimmage. I must admit that my eyes weren't on Cro alone when I was watching the games last year but I did notice on many occasions that he would give too much of a cushion at the line of scrimmage. I would luv to be able to go back and watch some tape on him but unfortunitly I don't record the games We are trying to have a physical D-fence, so these are a few other issues to think about when considering the Cro decision.
I doubt this is right but if it is $0 is guaranteed and we can cut him in camp..I'm sure it isn't right though. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/new-york-jets/