He literally is an old GOAT. I don't think he helps us, and I don't think he plays for a cheap deal anywhere. Would be nice if he went to a third team and won a SB.
Somebody would. The Manning name is the closest thing the NFL has to royalty. I hope it's not the Jets, but if he said he wanted to continue playing, I'm sure there is a team that would sign him if for no other reason than it would be in the best interests (money and prestige) of the league to keep him on the field.
It's certainly true a franchise like Cleveland would sign him in a heartbeat merely for the name recognition. I'd say the only team he'd even consider with a remote chance at making a playoff run is the Jets and there's no way he would do that. He's not going anywhere that doesn't give him a legitimate chance at winning a Superbowl (who also neede a quarterback) and there's no team in the league in that scenario that would invest in him. I'd say he's just about as done as he can be and he'd be foolish not to retire a Superbowl champions unless he does something like I alluded to earlier in backing up Eli just to guide his brother. That, my friends, would be fucking awesome.
Each day we don't get a deal signed our chance of losing Fitz in FA grows. I'm also counting us out of the Brock/Cousins derby because of their price. Peyton Manning should be considered if Mac doesn't have confidence we can compete with Bryce/Geno. If he wants to play one more year riding a great defenses' coattails, I feel we're his best chance to win and Woody has shown he's not above that doing something like that. I know he looked washed up last season but I don't believe he was healthy and while he's old and brittle as ever he has an offseason to rehab, train, take HGH and not get caught for all I care to get ready for next season. If our defense can take the next step towards elite Peyton might be the best stopgap option to give this team a chance to contend. It would be the storyline of the offseason and bring Tebow like media coverage but might be crazy enough to work out. Chase Daniel is a less crazy alternative who'd be cheap and might do well. Other than him the FA market is absolutely dry. If we lost Fitz and didn't sign a veteran, my favorite QB's I think we can get in the draft to compete to start are Connor Cook, Cardale Jones and Hackenberg.
2200 yards, 9 touchdown passes, 17 interceptions. thats who you want under center? that makes us an "instant contender" it would be a downgrade at QB even if geno was the incumbent
Good post, but disagree on your evaluation of the Jets. If he can get back to close to the level he was playing at in 2014 (admittedly a big "if"), that would make the Jets a SB contender. Nevertheless, here's another scenario that might work for him: let's assume the Cowboys want to be overly cautious with Romo's return. He seems to hurt that shoulder every year so I can see where they might tell Romo to take the year off to heal and sign Manning for a year. I think Jerry Jones would love that. Also, can see him in SF for a year if the Niners grant Kaepernick his wish to be traded.
Peyton in Chip Kelly's system would be a disaster. I don't see him going anywhere to be a backup that isn't the Giants. I also don't think he'll ever resume to his old self.
How is this even a conversation???? More limitations than Fitz, less mobile, same price if not more, and no system familiarity. And that's being kind to Manning... Once in a generation QB and all time great. He Dosent need the $ and with his personality will be worth several million a year as a TV personality