Asked answered locked banned. Enjoy your vacation. _
Peyton today is not better than Fitz or Geno. He's done. Peyton is an alltime great but today he's also a old vet with nothing left in the tank.
You know who I can see making a run at Peyton on the open market? Rex Ryan. He'd gobble that up and so would the media. 2 more Manning-Brady's. Rex gets Brady's all-time nemesis and a guy he feels can be a smart game manager for his 2016 version of the "best defense in the NFL (there's no doubt about it, and stuff like that)". The Bills would instantly be forced into Hard Knocks and both Patriots games would be primetime.
Peyton Manning had a TERRIBLE year. He was literally carried by the defense in the super bowl. Are you nuts? It would be like Favre but way worse.
If we played in a dome, maybe we kick the tires on Peyton. We don't though. He's not suited to play the majority of a season's games in the north east.
I thought this was an April Fools thread, then realized it's a little early for that and the word "should" is in the title. Peyton is clearly done, and he's still planning on retiring isn't he? ... makes a sexy thread topic though I guess? ...if we can't get Peyton, what about trying Favre again? Or Namath?
Id bring him in for training camp and let him compete with Fitz .If he legit beats him out then he's the starter,If not then we cut him.But Peyton would never go for that ,So no he's not coming here.
I heard from someone closer to the situation than any of us that Peyton could ask for his release and go to the Giants for peanuts to back up his brother for nostalgic reasons. I won't say who or where I heard it from and take it with a grain of salt but that'd be absolutely awesome and could benefit Eli in becoming a better player.
He could benefit Eli more by being a QB coach, or special assistant. Not worth the roster spot or cap space as a player.
They gonna hire someone on the sidelines to hold a water glass for his false teeth? Seriously dude, it's over. Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk