MikeWesthoff Mike Westhoff I used to fuck a guy in prison looked just like Wes Welker. #nyj #pats :rofl: The thought of that :shit:
mhigginsjets mhiggins by Chrisp2213 Empire State Building going green for your #jets. Jim Leonhard flipping the switch at 2. Any Jets fan who does not follow Matt Higgins EVP of the Jets is missing out.
"janesports Jane McManus No Brad Smith or Drew Coleman in the Jets locker room today." Hmmmm, that's not good news. Why always a Friday??
Couple interesting statistical notes from FO. FO_ASchatz Aaron Schatz One big Jets advantage: Jets second in league on power runs (short yardage). Patriots defense is 30th. Ryan needs to be gutsy on 4th down. FO_ASchatz Aaron Schatz BTW, looking for the Jets to come back to the pack in 2011? Not likely. Jets dead last on 3rd down def but 6th overall. HUGE rebound coming.
Unless I'm reading something wrong in the 3rd down tweet that is wrong. Overall the Jets are 10th in 3rd down defense. NE is dead last.
Mangold is awesome. @nickmangold: Welker is a great player. He's taken advantage of watching film. If we don't keep Spy on him, he could really open the Gate
Nick Mangold tweet is funny as hell: nickmangold Nick Mangold Wes Welker is a great player. He's really taken advantage of watching film. If we don't keep a Spy on him, he could really open the Gate Gotta love Mangold!
TheJetsStream Manish Mehta The one and only Sam Malone clarifies Brad Smith's injury for every #Jets and #Patriots fan out there. A classic. http://bit.ly/gAFMKd #nfl
RichCimini Rich 'Douche' Cimini Jets CB Drew Coleman (knee) telling friends he expects to play tomorrow, but final call belongs to Rex Ryan and team docs. #Jets