for me its not about wiping the ass I honestly didn't even notice it during the game ... its about discipline and the same stupid penalties over and over in big spots AKA a stop on third down that costs us getting the ball back ... or a false start on 3rd and 1
Because it was crass, classless, and a moronic, lowlife-type move. You should be embarrassed by it. It made the team look bad.
Probably made even worse by the fact we did absolutely nothing after that TD. Sent from my SM-G610Y using Tapatalk
I don't think it was brought up by anyone less than 24 hours after it happened other than some fans on a Jets message board. Shockingly, the Jets fanbase embarrassingly overreacted to something.
It wasn’t brought up by anyone outside the fanbase because Cleveland kicked the Jets ass after the penalty and they had better things to talk about, like Baker Mayfield. It was still dumb and par for the course with these undisciplined Jets
So when this same slob's sitting across from you and your wife in an airport lounge and scratching his balls in full view, . I take it that you and your better half would just brush it off as the guy', 'eccentricities' ? Exactly where's the tipping point here? ....does he still get a pass when he turns to the crowd and maybe takes it a step further with a little derisive jerking off mimicry?....or better yet, getting jiggy with the football in the end zone? "Daddy....what's that guy doing?" . . "oh nothing Cindy, he's just pretending to wipe doo-doo off his hiney and fling it into the crowd.....he's a funny guy isn't he Cindy?" . . . "ha-ha-ha, he sure is Daddy!" . .
We didn't overreact to anything. Some of us just have some class and decency about us. Sorry that you don't.
So as I was saying, some people here drastically overreacted... Oh lord. Spare me. I'm sorry that I'm not up in arms about a guy pretending to wipe his ass with a football in a sport where people smash into each other at high speeds every 40 seconds.
A man scratching his balls sitting in front of me at an airport is not equivalent to a football player pretending to wipe his ass with the football and throw it into the stands. And frankly, as I've said before, I could give a shit. These guys spit on each other, hit each other, and blow snot out of their nose on the field. It's football. Yes, it was an unnecessary penalty and he's dumb for doing it, but again, I didn't lose one second of sleep over it and both my wife and I easily chalked it up to a grown man making a funny obscene gesture while playing football. Talking about it days later is ridiculous. I've done far worse things in my life and trust me, when my daughter is older and attending middle school, she will see far worse than a guy wiping his ass with a football. If my daughter can watch TV and see half naked woman twerking with their ass sticking out, you think I honestly give a shit about a pretend ass wiping? Please. We differ on opinions, but still talking about it days later is hilarious
You don't think kids see equally as stupid shit on Spongebob Squarepants? It's all boogers and farts and stupid this, stupid that, you're an idiot, you're a dope. Like I said, spare me.
The act itself didn't bother me, it's that it's a symptom of the lack of discipline and maturity on this team. Any self-respecting coach would've gotten in his face and let him know his day was done, and if he didn't learn from that, his career as a Jet was over. The lack of discipline and accountability on this team is horrible, and has been that way under Bowles since he got here.
Day was done? I think that's going a little too far. Bowles absolutely should have lit him up though.
Just really not sure about this. On on hand, we lack any explosive play maker and have been for years and it only potentially costs a 3rd rounder for him? On the other hand, we have slowly been building this team up to something decent by next year. Would this guy ruin it? I don’t know. If Mac does pull the trigger it could be more of a defining move for him than trading up for Darnold.
Putting anyone's morality views aside for one moment. Any Jet player that causes a completely unnecessary penalty to the fucking detriment of the team so he can express to the world what an idiot he is needs to be benched. We are consistently fucking up the momentum and drive of this team with such unnecessary shit. If it is not up to the coach to put and end to these morons behaviors I don't know what. So we can agree to disagree on the classless acts, but it does not justify our propensity to dig us a deeper hole and loose the game with such unnecessary, pathetic displays. This coaching staff and Leadership needs to grow a pair of balls.
smug dodge and, missing the point we all have "far worse" while attending MIDDLE SCHOOL? why don't you run your daughter's "middle school" prospects by your wife and tell me how 'hilarious' she finds your post. .
The point was very exaggerated and weak. Comparing a guy celebrating by wiping his ass with a football in a football game to a random guy scratching his balls at an airport is quite a reach.
scratching his balls.....quite a reach cute (even if you didn't mean it) a low life move by crowell vs."what's the problem?" by your standards. .