so i recently became frustrated because it seemed impossible to play the style of defense the jets actually play online. i have learned that it possible to play the attacking style of defense and not get burned by the flat routes to the rb's in man coverage. the main thing that i do is put eric smith in place of bryan thomas in the starting line up. i start with revis manned up on whoever i think the biggest threat in the passing game, now assuming this isn't the RB i then set smith to cover the RB at all times. if it is a team that uses more than one RB i set rhodes to man up on the second RB. i then put all my other db's on the other receivers based on the threat i believe they pose. throughout the game i will move revis around to cover anyone who may be burning their man. the most important thing about this defense is it allows me to use the entire play book and keep the running backs honest because they can no longer simply outrun the linebackers anymore. this strategy can result in having a linebacker playing a deep zone if you call a cover 2 or 3 play, but i haven't really had much of an issue getting burned with that. the biggest advantage of this strategy is that i can now send blitzes with no worries of anyone running totally free before my blitz even gets a chance to get past the line. the 1-5-5 defense becomes especially lethal because of the numerous blitzes that are available. the only problem i have seen with this defense is that i need to manually move smith outside to cover the rb if he is ligned up at the wide reciever position. this doesn't happen all the time but every now and then someone seems to get confused and line up on the opposite side of the field their man is on. i always bring up coach vision as the other team is coming to the line and if i see this situation i quickly move the player out of position back into position. other than that this has allowed me to play defense in the same style as the jets with good success.