Jets Madden 09 Ratings

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Coach K, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    How is that fun for you? That team cheaply good.
  2. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    As it stands, Packer team isn't the most talented team I have fielded. The team has:

    Overall: 91
    Offense: 91
    Defense: 92
    ST: 88

    Of course, it will be a bit better by the end of the season. *Probably in 95~96 range.*

    I think my personal best was with Patriots, where I have fielded:

    Overall: 96
    Offense: 95
    Defense: 97
    ST: 93

    Actually, assembling the roster is fun. *Believe me. It is. Why do you think I found out all those tricks to get these stupid deals done?* Playing with the team isn't. You can basically rape any team with this roster. Especially if you know how to abuse Madden's playing AI, it gets that much easier. My finest performance came with the Jets *whose roster wasn't as good as that of the Patriots I mentioned above* - I played them at 7 min/qtr, Autoclock on, All Madden setting, and averaged 91pts/game while allowing about 0.3 pts/game. Pennington would throw about 350 yards per game on average while Adrian Peterson would run about 175 yards a game. Pennington threw 8 TDs/game, while Peterson scored 5 TDs/game. Defensively, I have nothing much to say (because they usually forced 3-and-outs) except the records of my secondaries - Kerry Rhodes picked up about 8 sacks per game while getting 3 picks per game. (and 3-4 tackles per game.) By the midseason, I changed my SS to LaRoy Landry, because Rhodes' sack was at 64, at which point you cannot add more. *Madden obviously is using 0x40 as the limit for the number of sacks a player can have. Also, the reason why Pennington's TD number was adjusted to 8 per game is because you cannot record more than 128 TD passes a season. 128/16 = 8, so there you go.) Also, other secondary backs would pick off the passes occassionally along with linebackers. The most INTs I had in one game was 10, and that was against Tom Brady, which made it extra sweet. *I raped the Pats 137-0 that game, and recorded 2 Safeties while at it. All the goodies in one action-packed game.* That's that, but I never had 100+ tacker in any of the frachise I played. That's more or less because I couldn't record that many tackles while forcing 3-and-outs all year. My best tacklers would usually have some 80's - so I know that while "tackle" stat is important, it doesn't really show you the whole picture. My DEs would make it to Pro Bowl occasionally *just like LBs* - they are not a staple name for Pro Bowl. My secondaries, however, are all in the Yearly award thing *all four of them* and first choice in Pro Bowl ballot. Maybe it's because my defensive play revolves much around SS spot.

    Anyway... I just let the computer do the simulation, and go with the draft then trade players these days. Playing it more like a simulation game, so to speak. I wish there was a Coach Mode, where you get to call the plays but not control the players (like the coaches actually do in real game) - or, a la Football Manager, so to speak. I mean, one of the reasons I tapered down the minutes per quarter was because I was scoring like 255 pts a game at 15min/qtr setting, (and that's because you can't score beyond 255 pts mark.) and I wanted to play it like the real thing, which meant I had to scale my scores down significantly. But then, I realized that, the more I play it, the more it's nothing like the "real" thing - which turned me off. I'm not really playing the game and controlling the players these days. *If I actually get my finger on the player, I know he will explode the game - and the result looks quite unreal.*

    If you think I'm pulling your chains, you can find some of the tips to abuse Madden AI on this board (that I wrote.) See if those tips work for you.

    P.S. I don't manipulate the rosters to get the players I want *i.e. releasing the player from the team or trading them in roster management mode* If you do that, you might be able to get the players on your roster, but not at the cap you have. If you actually shell out the cash for these players for their appropriate value, your salary cap will explode, much less come under 50M.
    #22 Zach, Jul 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  3. jinx

    jinx New Member

    Jun 21, 2007
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    isnt it horrible? game like this jones backuo sucks!! jeeeezzz
  4. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I've never tried stacking my team like some people, what gives me pleasure, is evaluating the draft talent and finding diamonds, as well as hiring the right coaches with the right styles to result in a SB win.. In franchise mode of course.
  5. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    its really not that hard you just relaese young players with huge contracts and then resign them to cheap long term deals. For example Gholston has a what 50 million dollar contract or something outrageous but if you release him and then resign him you will have like a 10-15 million dollar contract
  6. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    im pretty sure they have that its like supersim or something. Besides Head Coach should be coming out soon and hopefully it will be better than the disaster that was Head Coach 08

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