Jets Hire Marty Mornhinweg for OC

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tank75, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Okay, then answer me this, who would you rather have MS or Alex Smith?

    Just to set the record straight, I do think MS should be traded or cut because he is damaged goods. However I still believe that if he ends up with a good offensive minded HC like Sean Payton he will be a good QB.

    Oh buy the way no QB would be successful with Gates, reuland, or schillens as their receiving corp.

    Or you could be right, no matter how much talent you put around him he will not be productive.
    #421 Red Menace, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  2. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Very good post especially the part about "...the best thing that can happen to the Jets is for Sanchez to play well". I do get the feeling sometimes that many here would prefer that not happen because his ceiling is not as high as they would like.
  3. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I have not watched smith enough to even have an opinion of him.
    I don't know if any coach can fix nachos inabilities, but if MM can then great, that will be one less negative next season
    I know these guys were not household names, but who knows? Victor Cruz wasn't a big name guy, and was cut by who? But now look at him. I think he owes a lot to his Qb getting him the ball so he can do his thing running with it.
    Every player in the NFL when they first get in has a chance to be successful, it all depends on their opportunities, and what they do when those come knocking.
    Some guys were meant to be in the NFL, some didnt deserve their first chance.
    Last season nacho looked bad, average, his average, and the new set of receivers he had to work with didnt make his stats go up or down really. It's hard to blame another player on the former players issues.
    Who knows, Manning if he was signed last season may have came in here and made Gates, Shillens, reuland, Gilyard, all look like NFL receivers. Maybe one of them would look like a potential all pro. Who knows, they never really had much of a chance
  4. Swedish Ale

    Swedish Ale Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Whenever we're talking accuracy, footwork, dink and dunk, ability to read defenses, etc... I'm surprised the name McElroy doesn't come up more often.
  5. Jon_Snow

    Jon_Snow New Member

    Aug 22, 2012
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    Alex might be able to play in NY but throw the circus atmosphere of the Jets on top of that and you are asking a lot. I think it be a big challenge for any QB to succeed here. Talk about GMs not wanting to come here I bet if you polled QB on the least desirable team Jets would be at the top of the list.
  6. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    True, he appears to be Chad part two! If macs arm wasn't so much like chads he would be perfect for this new offense. Lets not forget that the WCO relies on not only timing and accuracy but tight fits and fast open and closed windows in the passing game. If you cant stretch the defense horizontally or vertically with the Qb's arm then we get what we got when defenses loaded up on short zone mid zone tight zone on Chad in his last days here! Is MM's WCO like BYU's during the late 80's and early 90's by chance does anybody know?
  7. Swedish Ale

    Swedish Ale Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I know the conception is that McElroy's got a noodle arm, but I just don't see it being that bad.
    At the end of the day, accuracy ranks higher than zip on the ball.

    Is arm strength so important, that it justifies playing another guy who's inaccurate, or forcing passes, or has poor timing, or lacks understanding where to place the ball in relation to the coverage / etc?
    Especially in terms of dink and dunk, McElroy should be miles ahead of e.g. Sanchez.

    It also appears McElroy has no problem with placing accurate floaters either (to maintain the threat of going long every now and then), should that arm strength be as poor as it's claimed.
    There comes a point, and we saw it with Sanchez as the season went on, where the defenses starts daring an inaccurate QB to go long - arm strength or not.
    When you have that happen, I say you're in a far worse spot than getting the Chad treatment where the secondary crawls up on you.

    I'd take Mr Accuracy over having to hold my breath watching some Mr Arm Strength throwing bullets all over the place.
    There's power passers in this league that lack accuracy, and I don't see them profiting from that arm at all - but I do see them constantly suffering for being inaccurate.

    Finally, McElroy also costs 100% less than whatever stopgap QB we could bring in here for '13.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ok mc e,Roy's little brother.,,he took what.... 11sacks?

    If Sanchezs problem o's decision making, what does 11 sacks tellmtou
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I Saw O'Brien play, he remains my second favorite Jet QB, Sanchez is no O'Brien.

    And there you go again, blaming the coaching for Marks inability to read defenses and throw in to double and triple coverage or just make horrible throws. You do realize he has had check downs in each and every play variation.

    It's also funny you try to make a big deal out of Mark having thrown 1 more TD in the one year he wa over 20, Funny stuff.

    But here's the real deal, you know the stats don't back you, so you have to resort to cherry picking stats in various years and cherry picking comparisons to make those few, very few, stats look even remotely good. For example the TD comparison, Sanchez in his one good season on that stat ranked 9th in the league, kudos he made top 10 in one category, despite being bottom 1/5th in every other one. In 1986, since you like comparing O'Brien to sanchez, he ranked 2nd in TD's, only Marino was above him. So what if Sanchez threw one more TD in the most passing friendly environment ever in the NFL.

    And that gets to the point, even if his stats compared favorably to O'Brien your still having to compare him to a QB years that were nearly 30 years ago, and while O'Brien did play at the beginning of the passing friendly modern era the flood gates didn't open till within the past 5-10 years, and they'll probably be even more pass friendly in the near future.

    What matters is how a QB compares to his league peers, not how he compares to a QB that played 30 or 40 years ago. But the meer fact that sanchez has lesser stats than players 30-40 years ago speaks volumes about Sanchez.

    Will the light come on for Sanchez at some point? Maybe, but for most QB's if they haven't come on after 4 years as a starter then they never come on. In the NFL 4 seasons is an eternity, and like I've pointed out to Junc on many occasions, it was the Defense and running game of 2009 and 2010 that led the Jets to the playoffs, it certainly wasn't even average QB play from their Quarterback.
  10. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I don't know, what does him, a 6th round QB with a weak arm, being named the starting QB tell you?
  11. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    and as an afterthought, despite having an 11 sack game, and this is off a small sample so the numbers don't really mean a lot but considering it includes a game where McElroy was planted on his tail 11 times, he STILL completed 60% of his passes, had a higher TD% and a lower INT% AND a higher yards per attempt than Sanchez....and that's with an absolutey horrible game included in the small sample size. So what does that Tell you Hobbes? was it really the coaching? ha, what a joke.
  12. Swedish Ale

    Swedish Ale Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    1. I embrace the fact that you took time to post on the board while piss drunk. :beer:
    2. Now, are you really trying to say sack = poor decision making?
      Just taking the sack and securing the ball is often the only right thing to do.
      If only Sanchez would ever learn that, wonder how much he could decrease his turnover extravaganza...
    3. Either way, it tells me the OL sucked donkey balls and was eaten alive.
      Fred Astaire with rocket boots wouldn't have gotten away, with the way the OL was playing that day.
    4. What does it tell you?
      That the 11 sacks were on McElroy?
  13. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Why do you guys even bother with Hobbes? He's hopeless.
  14. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Can you imagine if Alex Smith's first 4 seasons were in NY?
  15. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    This is funny. I sounds like you are about to defend his arm then you pretty much concede it's bad,
  16. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    You do realize that Smith was injured for most of those first 4 seasons and actually took a pay cut due to the injuries and performance after that period. do you really think he could have performed that poorly if he had been healthy and playing all 4 of the seasons?

    While statistically you might make the argument, in his first 4 seasons he was only healthy in one of them and missed parts or most of 3 of them. And if Smith was really a decent QB do you think Harbaugh would have taken a chance on special K in the middle of a playoff run?
  17. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    I'm confused. In the first paragraph it seems that you are trying to excuse Alex Smith's horrendous numbers early in his career to injury and in the second paragraph you are insinuating he is not very good. Which one is it? Anyway, I posed the rhetorical question about had Smith started his career here for all the people who are clamoring for Smith. Had he been a Jet he would have been ran out of town before he got the chance to look like a serviceable QB.
  18. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I didn't necessarily mean arm strength as so important. I realize accuracy is first and foremost. For example a noodle arm with great accuracy anticipation and an enormous understanding is worth 1 elway and 4 farves. But if you have a Qb as I've just mentioned with a rifle for an arm, you have a HOF Qb. I just worry that Mac will play just like chad, which is better than nacho, and our Qb will limit us in the title game again.
  19. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Again, good post! It is what it is, and they are who we thought they were!
  20. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    It's both, he got so many breaks on his poor performance early in his career because of the injuries. If he never had been injured and played at the level he was playing at in the injured years he would have lost his starting job. As it was he only managed to keep his starting job after taking a pay cut to stay on the team and the thought the injuries might have slowed his progress. People forget in his first 4 years he only started more than 7 games once.

    The fact is he's still a pedestrian ball control QB at best now, which is great if you have a top 5 defense and a strong running game where you don't rely on your QB to drive the team. Which is why special K replaced him.

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