I predicted it. That's a guarantee? I'm no troll. Been here longer than you. Just because I live in NE I must be a Pats fan right? Duh
I love it really. I call 10-6 and all the morons start climbing out of the woodwork and crying foul. Call me an idiot, yet you're mad about my prediction. So who is the idiot? Kids should sometimes be eaten by their mother.
So... I like the humor. I love when people get so butt hurt over silly things. Alright, it's a prediction. I don't think it's meant to be anything more then that, there is obviously no weight to it, so obviously it was just meant to get people worked up around here. Come on... Someone doesn't predict things and mean it, unless they provide a reasonable argument behind the prediction. Since this wasn't established, obviously the point of this thread worked on some sensitive posters? I dunno.. I predict the patriots lose in the divisional game to the Ravens. That is all.
I think it's your approach and quasi attacks that are causing the uproar. You still haven't answered my question about your prediction and the post season.
Its quite comical actually. I have my reasons why they may finish 10-6. The biggest one is being a 35 year Jet fan. But for the immediate consciousness I would have to say the Safety situation. Add that with Cromartie-the overrated and Cutler could have a field day. They were eluding to Sanch being more hurt than expected, then said he's fine. They shouldn't have said anything beyond he's hurt IMO but hey that's Rex. We also know Interceptchez can pop up at anytime. It wasn't enough for people to say "Oh really? What brings you to that conclusion" Maybe "eat a dick" and "die in a fire" and "wahhhhhh my feelings have been shattered into tiny green fragments of my psyche and you should be banned" should be translated with my little orphan annie douchebag decoder ring. THey could be should cleverly ciphered questions of "Hmm what makes you think so" Shittenheimer calls one exceptional game and all of a sudden he's johnny-genius-in-a-pocket. Jet fans have the shortest memory of any fucking fanbase I've ever seen. Not to mention some of the biggest bandwagon homers (See RevisIsMyDaddy) Anyway, that's my story and it's sticking to me.
Pats-Hater. Reading is fun-duh-mental. Quasi attacks? Fuck that, I outright said what I wanted. Eat a dick? Die in a fire? You're the homer I speak of, perhaps. Instead of reading the thread you jumped right on the small bus with all the other idiots. Also, what makes you think I'm obligated to tell you the Jets could finish 10-6 and back in with a bit of help? Ever seen them do that? Probably not.....
Aren't all the guys coming back now, the ones saying we were gonna beat Chicago? I've already admitted I was wrong, so I'm not sure what else you're waiting for. I just wish everyone who spoke manned up. No wait, I don't wish, I really don't give a shit haha.