Born in Brooklyn, but never lived there as my family was living in Oceanside,LI. Lived in various spots in Nassau until I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada some 20ish years ago. Still return to see a home game occasionally and try to visit different cities for away games.
Too many of you down here...Kinda go back home. Wonder how you international folks picked up on the Jets...
Born Bensonhurst Brooklyn bounced around LI before I Moved to South Florida still as a child kept my roots to the North: NYM, NYJ, NYK, NYY...etc. Also the way fans are down here are atrocious probably never would have stuck even if the thought came around. Dad did influence it alot and it stuck
its really sad that there are so few jets fans from ct on here. there are a ton of us up here in southern ct. although this is giants country when you come down to it as most people who live here are originally from the bronx and for whatever reason bronx folks seem to be giants and yankees fans. maybe cause the g spots played in yankmee stadium. but there are a ton of jets fans up here too, very very few patsy fans in this area, you go north of waterbury though and its pure douchebags aka patsy fans.
Majority Looks like the majority of Jets fans live someplace other than the NY/NJ area. I am from Connecticut originally, Bristol to be exact. I live in East Tennessee now where I work as a local sportswriter. I went to Bristol Eastern H.S. and played basketball against Dennis Hernandez - the uncle of accused killer Aaron. I have been a Jets fan for...well too long. 40-plus years of heartbreak and close but no cigar.
Just wondering how some of you guys became Jets fans or even football fans for that matter. Soccer and rugby just don't do it for ya?
right this second, if he would ahve pooped yesterday and has a sewer connection and i walked down the hall and got a glass of water i could in fact be drinking his poop.