Poll Results: How would you handle this situation?
Members who voted for 'Stick with Folk'
- Kris 15
- Kentucky Jet
- Wah
- TommyGreen
- Zach
- jetzfan
- fenwyr
- James Hasty
- Hoboken Jet
- LockDown24
- Joe Willie White Shoes
- JetFanInPA
- HackettStillSux
- United_Jets
- jetsaholic1094
- ScotsJet
- gustoonarmy
- biggundewayne63
- boozer
- BadgerOnLSD
- jesterjetman
- LostInMA
- onefanjet
- Vilmalover51
- fozzi58
- Theo Huxtable
- hwismer
- skoobz2001
- Scruggy
- TheBlairThomasFumble
- BakerMaker
- ChuckUp
- All Star
- jaybny
- Section 336
- Leicester Jet
- joeyg94
- FlashGordon
- JetsYankeesThrylos
- Steve032
- Wizard Of Odds
- masivemunkey
- MBGreen
- afternoondelight
- flajetfan
- fltflo
- JetDynasty
- ace_o_spades
- 624
- jetsyankeesfan6
- Skicats
- GatorGar
- RunLeonRun
- Clayture
- jenkinsthebeast
- Mambo9
- bojanglesman
- BigGreenGangBang69
- Chrebet Fo' Ever
- boshhemi487
- JohnnyThaJet
- steves850
- jets2884
- no psls
- JPLink80
- bucknasty
- Forum7200
- Lynkx
- Bill Belichdouche
- soxxx
- J.E.T. Tone Holmes
- JetsFanChicago
- Revis is your daddy
- Enigmah
- GreenMatt14
- Boomer88
- InRevisWeTrust
- richnle
- GA Jets
- Woodhead77
- BingoJetsFan
- grayburn
- MikeHoncho
- Weezy
- ConcordeChops
- Doogstein
- CodeGreen
- nexteyenate
- Jet In Brooklyn
- Aero
- Fiftynine
- tdorland
- Foreign Alphabet
- Noam
- OneDay
- ajax
- rex-N-effects
- sg3
- NYJ90
- Play Like A Jet
- SexyRexy11
106 total votes.