Jets/Chargers Divisional Round Discussion

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Scikotic, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Pass Yards Allowed

    1 NY Jets 501 259 51.7 2459 5.4 59 8 17 32 245 58.8 154
    2 Buffalo 519 295 56.8 2948 6.0 52 14 28 32 189 61.1 184
    3 Denver 510 298 58.4 2981 6.3 53 18 17 39 241 75.0 186
    4 Carolina 495 305 61.6 3056 6.6 63 14 22 31 193 71.7 191
    5 Green Bay 540 294 54.4 3218 6.4 68 29 30 37 232 68.8 201
    6 Cincinnati 547 318 58.1 3249 6.4 87 18 19 34 237 73.6 203
    7 Oakland 438 259 59.1 3303 8.1 63 16 8 37 228 89.5 206
    8 Washington 511 314 61.4 3316 7.0 75 19 11 40 241 85.7 207
    Baltimore 524 306 58.4 3316 6.7 81 17 22 32 190 71.9 207
    10 Tampa Bay 482 301 62.4 3318 7.2 80 28 19 28 166 87.2 207
    11 San Diego 534 326 61.0 3348 6.7 84 23 14 35 221 84.2 209
    12 New England 512 300 58.6 3355 7.0 75 25 18 31 229 81.7 210
    13 Chicago 531 341 64.2 3382 6.9 50 29 13 35 272 92.3 211
    14 Indianapolis 583 372 63.8 3403 6.2 63 19 16 34 228 80.6 213
    15 NY Giants 498 314 63.1 3425 7.4 60 31 13 32 237 95.1 214
    16 Pittsburgh 548 319 58.2 3447 6.9 83 22 12 47 314 83.4 215

    the difference between the jets and the number two team in pya is just under 500 yards for the season, or ~30 yards a game ... the difference between the number two team and the number sixteen team is just under 500 yards for the season, or ~30 yards a game

    the same goes for total D ... the chargers have yet to face a D like this
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I remember Titans fans laughing at our blitzing defense and telling us that Chris Johnson's ability in space would neutralize the blitz. I also remember Saints fans laughing at our blitzing D and telling us that the sheer number of offensive weapons would neutralize the blitzing. Neither team broke 290 yards of total offense. It's not going to be as easy as you think.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I am a huge fan of the Jets' ability to use Revis in man coverage, and generally believe if you have the players to play man coverage, you're better off with it than zone.

    But mixing in some zone can be a good thing, too. It keeps the opponent guessing.

    I also have to wonder how much sense it makes to just say "the Jets will double team Gates!" That's easier said than done, as they can put him in motion, use blocks, dump offs. The point is while the Jets should be very concerned about Gates (and Floyd), it's not like you can usually predict which two players will stay on him. That's not the way the game is played. In other words the Jet pass D will have to be flexible enough to deal with how SD comes after them.

    Your point about getting cb help in the off season, and just ticking off the names Coleman, Strickland (not completely healthy), Lowery (when healthy, more so when not) and even Lito does not give me the warm and fuzzies facing a team like SD. And face it, the pass rush has not been great, either.

    An earlier point about how well Welker did in the second NE game is perhaps not entirely on point, but there's a lot to it. While I would not say Welker is on quite the same level as Gates, he's I think better than anyone right now at finding the holes in what the D gives him. So that's why the point about Welker is not completely on point. But, Welker is instructive in this sense, that the Jet D had a hell of a time containing him, knowing NE would use him, and despite having Moss covered one on one by Revis.

    SD may well still try and get it to Jackson, and may even complete some passes. But if I were them I would plan (just like Arizona did with Larry covered by Woodson) on having the primary emphasis be on the secondary receivers, leaving enough for Larry (I mean Jackson! heh) when it fit to go to him.

    On the defensive side of the ball, this is where the matchup with SD looks weakest for the Jets.
  4. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    When you use words like "boyz", "kewl" and "lolz" and you are not a have serious issues. That's a completely different debate, we'll go ahead and leave it at that.

    That's your opinion...great. It's different from mine and I'm not going to convince you otherwise and when VJ's numbers exceed Moss' numbers you probably still won't concede. No sweat off my back.

    NYJunc at least has the ability to man up and admit VJ's talent as being up there right with the best this year. (among others on this board who can have rational discussions)
  5. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Vincent Jackson's picture will be on the side of a milk carton this Sunday.....
  6. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    I never said zone wasn't a good thing...but not on the last play of the game and covering Tony G...bad decision.
  7. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Thank you for your rational insight. Revis will be Jackson's toughest test and like you said it will probably be the same vice versa.
  8. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    There is nothing wrong with and I both have it for our respective teams. We'll see who comes out on top after Sunday.
  9. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Revis has faced guys as good or better than Jackson. Jackson hasn't come close to facing anyone in Revis's caliber this year. The one game where Revis was really beaten badly was the Colts game by Wayne. It didn't really matter because Manning had looked at so much tape and was so concerned about Revis he got a little to fine with his passes.

    Rivers loves the jump ball and allot of this matchup is going to come down on how the refs call the game. If VJ is allowed to hand check Revis and they are going to call that PI like they did in the Bengals game than Rivers is going to have a field day. If the refs allow them to play Revis may well have an opportunity or two to win a few of Rivers jump balls.
  10. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Don't bother. I've been trying to tell people that Jackson's physicality at the LOS makes him Revis's toughest or second toughest matchup all year, and they all just laugh it off. It's going to be great watching the two of them on Sunday.
  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Unless you're saying Jackson is head and shoulders above guys like Moss, Andre Johnson, M. Colston, etc..., I'm not sure why it matters. Revis shuts everyone down, so why should Jackson be any different?
  12. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Yeah, those calls last week on Revis were pretty suspect to say the least. I'm just hoping we don't get Hochuli...we have a huge problem with him in SD for obvious reasons with the call he blew vs. Denver last year.

    I want to see pure athletic ability by both parties at may not be often because we utilize the others quite a bit but when it happens it will be a good show.
  13. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    The VJ/Revis matchup will be one of the best. It's hard to say which to go with this one, but I will say this.

    At the beginning of the season, I thought a fresh Andre Johnson (who's a beast of a receiver; height, strength, power, speed, and great route runner) would give Revis fits, and Revis totally shut him down. I don't see why anything would change for Revis this week.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The problem with be with the other Jet Cornerback's playing the other Charger Receivers. They are all pretty Big and we are going to have Matchup problems. The best defense we can play is to put Rivers on his a**! He can't throw from his back.
  15. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    He won't be. It'll just be fun to watch Revis have to play out of his mind to stay physical with him. We all know he will.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I was merely clarifying that despite the strengths of the Jets' man coverage, going to zone is a good change up option. The problem with that particular coverage was that no one picked up Tony G, not so much that they went to zone.
  17. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Not saying he's head and shoulders above the rest....I just believe that it's "Any Given Sunday" and trends don't always dictate guaranteed results.

    Why do I think it will be different...Rivers has one of the most accurate long balls in the league and combined with VJ's talent it's very dangerous.

    With the argument, "Jackson hasn't seen anyone like Revis", I can take the same approach. There are plenty of VERY talented corners in the league that we've faced and Jackson has done his work against them consistently.

    On the flip side, we've already brought up the Jackson compared to others (beaten dead horse)

    There's also a fine line between many Jets fans perception of what Revis will actually do. When the topic is brought up that he won't get more than 4-5 catches and no more than 40-50 yards (somebody else predicted this) --- Well, he usually only gets 4-5 opportunities a game anyway (proven by his overall catches this year) but he averages 17 ypc. Big plays -- it's what we use him for. You won't see us throwing little dinky 5-10 yd passes to him a whole lot because we use Sproles/LT/Gates for those types of plays.

    The point is, he's a piece of the puzzle, but he's a playmaker. Revis, another playmaker.

    It will be fun to watch..
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I tend to agree, WSW. There may be a subtle point in there somewhere that VJ is claimed to be more physical than anyone else Revis has covered this year, and that aspect of the matchup would make a significant difference, which to me is pure guesswork at best - first of all it assumes VJ is significantly stronger than anyone Revis has covered, which is a huge assumption. Second it assumes that Revis will not be able to adjust just like he has for everyone else, which is where you are on the money. There's really nothing upon which for the SD fans to conclude it will be different for VJ.

    Having said that the GB -AZ game was quite interesting on this subject. I think Larry is one of the stronger wideouts in the league. AZ correctly went away from Larry most of the game, and had the tools to do so even with Boldin out. Breaston, man, that guy amazes me as a #3 wr, and Douce (sp?) had a great game.

    Still, AZ did go to Larry, and while it was not all one sided, Larry had the better day of it. Is Woodson not as good as Revis matching up against a physical wideout? I don't know about that, I suspect he isn't, though. And is VJ as strong as Larry? I am not sure about the answer, either, but I suspect he isn't.

    So, despite there being some theoretical basis for thinking VJ is stronger and can do better against Revis, I doubt that will happen.

    SD's best move, once again, is that they should pretty much forget about VJ and look to their other receivers.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That zone switch that Rex and Pettine threw in there in the game-winning drive of the Falcons game was also responsible for Strickland covering Roddy White (after Revis had shut him down all game) getting a key 3rd down conversion to keep the drive going (plus a personal foul - facemask) that took them from the Falcons 42 yard line to the Jets 27.

    I don't have too many complaints about the way our D has been called this year, but that winning drive fell squarely on defensive playcalling. They went from their own strength (attacking) all game to a weakness that killed this defense in 2008 - a weak zone. I don't think that a zone in itself is a bad idea for a change-up, but don't do it when the game is on the line.
  20. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    We think we can win, and they think they can win. Thing is it's going to be a pretty good fucking game, and as a Jet fan and Football fan I can't wait.

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