We got to 8 & 3 by playing with balls we got to 9 & 6 by going into a prevent mind set on both sides of the ball. You can't play scared and win. This team has been tight and basically choked away a great opportunity.
traveling, go back to the fucking cheesehead.com message board that spawned you so you can circle jerk with the other jock sniffers that would like nothing better then to suck brett favre's cock. no one wants to hear it here.
Today?!?!?!? he has sucked for weeks!!! team has played like shit out west all season, can't beat beatable teams, no fire, coach sits there like nothing is going on -- show som damn emotion -
At least Chad gave his heart and soul to our team. and the Favre jerseys will be on sale for $10 in a few weeks. This season goes down w/ '93, '97 and '00. For all the crpa you guys gave Herm and his staff we never choked away a playoff berth and we never choked away a playoff berth w/ Chad as our QB.
If Mangini keeps his job after this cluster fuck these past few weeks...the Jets deserve whatever they get. Seattle starting 5 back ups on their offensive line and not only do the Jets not TOUCH the quarterback, but the Hawks run it for about 130 yards. Their season was only alive because of a miracle last week but they are just an AWFUL football team. Any Jets fan who bought into the hype after the Titans game should be taken out and beaten with a sack of pennies. Jesus, what a nightmare.
The Jets have followed one of the best four-game stretches in team history... with one of the worst. Unbelievable. I am in shock.