remember that justin was the one who was wide open on the deep ball earlier in the game and couldnt get to it becuase he wasnt at top speed for soem reason
I am never one to feel good about losses but I come out w/ very positive thoughts after KCs 4th qtr performance.
I Hate You Justin Mccareins!!!!!!! I Told You Guys It Wasn't Over But Now It Is Because Mccareins Is So Fucking Terrible At Everything! He Cant Cover Kicks, He Cant Catch A Ball. Oh God I Hate Him!
This game showed me that Cotchery is a top 5 WR in this league, without him the game isn't even close.
No Jmac, no 2 possible field goals away from the AFCC. He was awesome that year. Let's not kill the guy. This was a horribly called game for 3 quarters.
Congratulations to Clemens on a great fourth-quarter. Ravens weren't letting up, either, still blitzing, and hitting and pressuring him all day.