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Discussion in 'Game Threads' started by Petrozza, Sep 16, 2007.
I seriously despise him.
Enberg is on Clemens' nuts. LOL.
what a catch!
Forced out!
He got pushed out!!!!
That's a catch. BULLSHIT!!!
that was a force out!
Kellen to Coles 1st down?!
What Is This Dog Shit?
Yes!!! A force out!!!!
Thank you refs! you got it right.
F this force out bull shit. Dont doo this to us again
if that was not a forece out...i would have fucking flipped a shit.
Finally!!!! I was seeing cleveland
OMG, refs almost blew that one.
Coles is a ridiculous player
1st down!!! This kid LOVES getting things done on 3rd down. Making it interesting...
Baker. Call his number.
NFL gonna screw us on theis catch - even with the force out!! I know it!!!