what the feck is going on with CBS right now? please cut away from these commercials to a shot of Kellen warming up...NOW!
So I'm sitting here wondering why the hell I'm still looking at the Cincy/Cleveland game. Great game and all, but where are my Jets, CBS??
For those of you who still have the Browns game on and want to hear the game until it's switched, go here http://www.thegamelive.com/footballnfl.html and click WABC under the Jets
CBS switched to the Jets commercial, then back to the Browns commercial during their last break. They should be ashamed.
Is it just me, or is absolutely ridiculous that at 4:00 (in NY) they force us to watch a game we had not been up to that point for 15 minutes then cut away when we start to care, THEN give us all their assinine analysis and announce starters etc. AFTER the game has started when we just wanna watch the damn game?