OK, can't complain too much there, ate the clock, kept it moving, got points and ended the half nicely. Perfect word could have used the clock a little better and still had time for a shot or two at the EZ, but ended the half well on offense those last 2 drives.
If this was a Mangini coached game we would sit back and let them make this a game, with this Ryan team we are going to hit them while they're down.
Sanchez face looks sunburn...and that stadium is empty lower & upper decks. Where are all of the Cally Jets fans????!!!!
Can't complain about the game so far, hopefully they'll slowly take the cuffs off Sanchez as the season progresses and hopefully improves.
anyone who considers TJ a great RB is pushing it. i like him, he's steady and reliable, but that's it. thing is, when he's decisive with his runs and hits the holes with some authority he can make real good runs. here are my problems with him though: -stutter steps at the LOS, allowing time for the defenders to get into the backfield and stop him -runs into the backs of our O-lineman a lot. this goes hand-in-hand with not hitting the holes quick enough. -hits the deck easily. whenever u see an arm tackle brush him, he weakly goes down, and he does this a lot. on top of that, he's a pretty straight runner; besides a few head fakes/bobs, he really doesn't bring much in terms of juke moves/change of direction/cutbacks. he'll average a yard or 2 on most of his carries, and then he'll break off a 30 yarder, which'll bring his collective average to about 4-5 yards a clip.
it's amazing how sanchez looks good when the run game's working and you play off of it.simple is beautiful
I was a big time Shonn Greene supporter around draft time and this is exactly what I had in mind. Power runner with speed.
The Shonn Greene coming out party. I believe this is vindication for the whole freaking Gang Green board. About fucking time.
as someone stated in this thread earlier, he was being a good soldier and he got shot. time to move on. he got tackled on a run and it looked like his leg broke. honestly, this is killing me. i hope it isn't a break. i love leon.
Very conservative approach in the first half, and our Run D concerns me a bit. Plus all the injuries really have me worried. All that aside, we are dominating this game, I just hope we can play with Miami next week with all these injuries.