OLINE Oline, Oline Dline Dline Dline, we need both badly. But really the NE offense has done nothing, we are still in this, if the Jets Offense gets going, we still have a shot! start hitting brady in half 2 and knock them in the mouth
We're in for it :sad: The only thing we have hopes for is to score on defense and Special teams :sad: Mangini is an idiot... Could be 17-10, but no.
I'm telling you guys, the only reason Brady is as good as perceived is the O-Line. He has 5 times as much time to throw than anyone does. If we don't solidify the right side of the line and get an LG in FA and/or draft, it's going to be the exact same team next year. In fact, as nontalented as some of the D is, the talented players somehow marginally make up for it. The D is playing good against a good O-Line, 2nd best QB in the game and the best wr. KC could probably be good, we'll never know because our FO is going to do something stupid like draft McFadden.
...you guys are ridiculous. If a player makes a bad play some of you guys call for his head. Leon got that big run because of Brad Smith's versatility. I agree we shouldn't line him up at QB anymore, but Smith should definitely not be cut. He deserves to play on this team.
We get the ball with the wind to start the 3rd quarter. Look for Chad to go down field with the wind at his back.
He had more success in 3 plays than Chad did in almost an entire half although in Chad's defense he only ran about 12 plays.
Show me where I blamed the OL? early in the year? sure, today? Nope. he's held onto it too long but wisely didn't try to force it. he also threw that ball a little high to McCareins. he's throwing into a big wind and he's not doing badly so far but somehow this defcit is all his fault just like when we lost early in the year.
Honestly? At least it would be fun to watch.... If the weather persists, the Pats may not score a sh*t load of points, so we may as well be creative
For your musical halftime entertainment, let's hear something from earlier this season... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EU1O-hGxgg
Smith got lucky not because he was good. The real talent here is Washington. How long before he becomes a number 1 back , maybe he could carry the load. Cut Smith
You're mostly right. It's not Chad's fault. On the other hand, he isnt doing anything to help the team actually get going either.
Has anyone said this is all his fault? Nope... But you seem to think it's all Kellen's fault for not taking a safety on a play where he had NO time...