correct, everyone may remember the '99 opener when we brought in Tupa after vinny got hurt it's b/c we had Tupa listed as the #2 QB and Mirer the #3 so if we brought in Mirer and he got hurt we would have had no QBs the rest of the game. As it turned out we were better off w/ Tupa but that's another story.
Its a matter of dues and respect. When you deal with a small fraternity such as the NFL when you insult one coach you insult them all. In other words when you act like an arrogant a$@ you should a expect a lot of people to pay you back. Let me give you an example I see lot of young lawyers practicing law with the silly idea that law is adversarial. They invariably step on a lot of toes and make enemies thinking they need to act like tough guys when the exact opoosite is the case. Word gets around fast and there are lots of people will help repay that debt. The NFL is similar if you step on peoples toes and treat people with disrespect a lot of people will be happy to make you earn your dues.