While mature and adult discussion on a mesage board is probably beyond hope. There should be some stanbdards. Stating a desire to see someone hurt is generally offensive to most posters and it degardes the quaility discussion. One has to draw the line somewhere. I am sure many people don't want to hear comments like that. There is no 1st amendment protection on a message board. People have do not have the right to say whatever they want. That is up to Petro and the mods to decide. Good for them and for the boards for banning such comments. Now if they would only put a stop to the use of profanity. Not going happen but one can always hope.
I see you are not in my Yahoo pick 'em league like some 30 other TGG members. I am a foul mouthed son of a bitch there. This place is not a place for that shit, mister.
hey can i get banned for a few days so i can get the jets off my mind... heres a reason..... fuck..... do it.......do it..................................do it (starksky n hutch) no im not kidding :grin:
I think I agree. Let Ramsey, Clemens, or Smith take the helm from here on in. Why risk Chad getting badly hurt on a game that is for all practicality is meaningless. Abandon the 3-4; it is not the coordinator; we lack meat on the front line to be effective. Go 4-3 for the rest of ths year and try again on the 3-4 next year when we have the personnel to pull it off.
They were? down 13-7 at the half at Wash, down 21-3 at half vs. Mia, tied 6-6 at NE and down 14- 3 to Dal were worse than being down 28-0?
We got lucky in Buf, I give mangini some credit but we got 2 huge TOs and Buf threw it way too much when they were gashing us w/ the run.
Then take a shower, damn.... I am not sticking up for this guy after he did it again for a second time but tons of people say things in the heat of the moment after horrible calls.