they want the guy to get as much EXP as possible. they figure the benifet in this case outways the risk. what slauson needs most to polish up is game Exp, the only way to get it is to play ball
But he is still the starter and chemistry is important too it's not going to help that much playing next to the backups against backups. Sanchez needed reps last year but you still don't play him the whole preseason.
Well, let's see if Old Man Brunell can at least pull one first down out. Although, they'll likely be running it into the line 3 straight plays again here.
I'm watching a stream so it's hard for me to see the numbers sometimes, but I was guessing that was the Ghost getting some pressure there. BTW, these Eagles announcers are absolutely horrible
if all we do is run the ball all day we probably wont even score. so hopefully they let brunell throw it some tonight...
Larry Taylor has the potential to bring a much different dimension to our offense and special teams than a guy like Clowney. Clowney has no place on the team anymore pretty much.