Jets acquire Percy Harvin!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NYJFan10, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Jets4eva9011

    Jets4eva9011 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Never said he'll turn Geno into a superstar, but he'll hopefully make him look more competent.
  2. Turbocharged23

    Turbocharged23 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I've soured of late on Idzik but this is a no brainer move. Between this and Saunders, he's clearly admitting he has made some mistakes in personnel and I think that goes a long way to how they will prepare for the next off season.

    It's a no brainer bc 1) we get a chance to evaluate Geno with an actual NFL receiving core rather than David Nelson 2) we can cut bait at any time and 3) we've been lacking a threat to keep defenses from stacking the box. Sure well lose a pick but Idzik hasn't really done that well with those anyway in the 4th round. Our teams better at a minimum and the cash was just sitting there anyway.
    almbleamal likes this.
  3. JerzeJets

    JerzeJets Active Member

    Sep 7, 2009
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    So here's my take on this...

    Pros: I certainly like the fact that we went out and now have some legitimate weapons around Geno. This is surely a final chance for him, can he produce anything on the field with some weapons now? If yes than w still may have something with him, if not then we certainly should know enough after this to be able to move on. The guaranteed money (or lack thereof) means we can get rid of him without much penalty after the year and wash our hands clean of the situation.

    Cons: Here's where I begin to have some uneasy feelings... 7m for the rest of the year and a fourth round pick (at best for us) is a lot of assets for a 'rental player" I am obviously also a penguins fan (see avatar) and this reminds me strongly of the Iginla mess a few years ago when our GM got burnt for numerous assets for a rental player. This is 7m less in rollover money and a 4th round pick invested in an oft injured player with locker room issues... to me that is a lot to give up for an experiment with Geno (albeit like I said... one that I will enjoy watching). I have a hard time finding where this fits in with Idzik's supposed long term plan. Does an 11m a year cap hit( if we keep him) for an injury prone/attitude cancer type player fit in with long term success? Answer: It certainly did not seem to in Seattle.
  4. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Great only fly in your ointment is that, if I were the GM, even Milliner, McDougal and Patterson doesn't look good. McDougal is a rookie so you don't know what you have there...Patterson is on like the 90th team...and Milliner, at BEST, played all of 4 really decent games last year...and has an injury history. Our corner situation was shit from the get go... As well, AFTER Patterson was proven to be useless we still had a shot at our own Cromartie and a couple others...and he let them all walk. Soooo...I can live with everything you said save for the CB situation. ;)
  5. Jets4eva9011

    Jets4eva9011 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Regardless if Geno turns out to be the guy or not, I think we can both agree that the offensive talent needs to be improved. WR and O-line play need fixing.
  6. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I guess you can scratch Bevell off the list of potential Rex replacements. From what I've read he couldn't stand Percy Harvin and didn't enjoy game planning for his specific skills.
  7. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    I don't disagree with this possibly being with a desperation move but Harvin did play in a WCO under Brad Childress so he should be familiar with our concepts.
  8. JETSrealMCCOY!

    Oct 5, 2014
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    One good thing is if it rains you have some cover.
  9. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I can understand your view of this, you see it as a chance to regain respectability. However, having been a fan of this organization for some time, this move reeks of the reach for relevancy that they have made time and again over the years. Instead of making intrinsic changes that will build a winning tradition they do things like this. Your point of the "close games" this year is understood, but misleading. It's a story I've heard many years with this team.
  10. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I don't want to think this was rental trade.
  11. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Hey it's like watching a flea circus but a lot of fun. Go Jets! Har-vin...Har-vin...
  12. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    so you like cheap noodles?
    seriously again with this gm drafting and it is a 3rd pick what is the damage? With the way idzick picks the pick may never play. Again the idiot gm never fixed the need for another receiver and does and this is the best you can do. yes he is injury prone.
    Can we cut him next yr without a salary cap hit? yes
    Does it help a young qb? Yes
    If you are happy loosing that is on you you want fact harvin is the second best receiver on this team now not tomorrow now. He can b worse then milner and mcdougal
    lok at his games played so for you Facts let look at those facts. Don't let them stand in the way right now he has had 1 yr injuried risk yes but a low risk high reward. but go ahead and hate but dont ruin everyone else being happy ruin it for you
    Year Team GRec YdsAvgYds/GLngTD20+40+1stFUM

    2014Seattle Seahawks5221336.026.63301081
    2013Seattle Seahawks111717.017.01700010
    2012Minnesota Vikings96267710.975.245381360
    2011Minnesota Vikings168796711.160.452T6142452
    2010Minnesota Vikings147186812.262.053T5142410
    2009Minnesota Vikings156079013.252.751T6123421
  13. JETSrealMCCOY!

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Hell Yeah!!! J! E! T! S! JETS! JETS! JETS!
    If we get the victory I get to make my Bills fan sister in law feel like shit the whole ride home. That's what I'm looking forward to. LOL!
  14. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have to make something clear here...especially for the guys who know me...I NEVER rant like this...most of the time...

    The REASON this really bugs the hell out of me is because I'm living something similar only on a much smaller scale...I run a help-desk support organization for a mid-sized organization...about 12,000 people or so...I have a team of budget was delivered to me yesterday...$33,000! For those in the technical world who are in the know...that's someone's annual expense account for pete's sake. Now, much like the Jets "GM" has told me I have to deliver absurdly GREAT customer service all the while I have a whopping $33K to spend...I have the call volume of an organization 3 times my size, need 5 more staff and take a beating daily. All the while he's sitting on a cool $4million in "cap space" that I only wanted $200k of to complete my mission...but was given $33k. So ass is on the line, the "Fans" don't give a shit that I only have a $33k budget and there's this $4 million in cap space...they want to fucking WIN!!!! Now who is at fault here? A fantastic coach (Me) who put together a really fantastic game plan which requires $200k or the asshole "GM" who is sitting on $4million in 'cap space' and won't give me a "team" I can succeed with? Oh and for shits and grins he brings in a consultant "Harvin" and think that is going to bail out a team that is vastly understaffed and underfunded....

    Just a little reality to Jets football parallel....I see the same damn thing happening with the Jets and it freakin' pisses me off!!!!
    rammagen likes this.
  15. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    No, this shows that you actually don't understand my view. I view this as a chance to make a run and perhaps PO.
    Your "I've been a fan for 220 years and I've seen at all" is really, really tiresome. If you're right than there is absolutely no move that can possibly take Jets to SB -- because you've "seen them all" and none work. And if you really believe that you're right (which you obviously do) then why are you watching at all? I mean you know, with 100% certainty, that this team will not be competitive. Seriously, if you believe it, if you lost all hope after your 220 years of experience, why bother watching? What is it: habit, love of pain, chance to complain about another thing, feeding victim complex?

    There were exactly zero hopeful, positive posts between you, Champ and Yahoo. CMan is a darksider, and is very skeptical, but he has some hope from time to time. Even Blocker shows some signs of optimism occasionally. But not you three.
  16. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    sure we need a gm that cant find talent. go find him.....
  17. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein
    5h5 hours ago
    Here are two tweets I just got from NFL personnel guys: “Literally heard minutes ago what you tweeted. Crazy. Jets didn’t do their homework"

    Lance Zierlein @LanceZierlein · 5h5 hours ago
    Also got this text minutes ago: “Seattle just suckered the Jets. That GM is clueless”. Yikes.

    BleedGreen89 and TNJet like this.
  18. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Sorry to hear it, man :(
    Sounds like it's time to update your resume and start hunting
  19. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    If he's healthy, contributes and sticks on the roster beyond this season its a good move. If he restructures even better.
  20. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I bold-ed the part where you are right and people fail to see. the gm failed in the off season when he failed to get a wr and another corner and sat on 21 million dollars and failing to put together a team that can compete.
    And intelligent fans realized that at the time and have been upset the entire yr this move is not as bad as you think he stinks they cut him and still have money or he is a hit and they keep him and helps Geno now either way they win
    mezzavo likes this.

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