I like trhe guy, but it is time to move on. I don't need to put him down, but injuries have taken their toll and there is now a lot of uncertainty regarding building a future around Chad. I will be sorry to see him go, if not this year, then in the near future. Wht can you do; his throwing mechanics are permantly altered due to injury. Thanks Chad.
Someday, if I ever improbably see you put up anything remotely resembling a debate, I'll let you know.
So uh, after reading the initial post in this thread and the ensuing comments by #1JF, does anyone realize their tragic mistake during voting for the Dumbest Poster Category?
Time's Up, Jetsfan 16.. The answer is, at best, 2. 1996 is close and I will give it to you. And of course, 1998. I'm sure that the year someone bought you your first Vinnie jersey. I have met Vinnie personally and he is a great gentleman. And I admire your passion. But you need to be careful when you try and place Vinnie in within the historical context of the game.
So does your lack of response mean that you have tempered your statement that Vinnie is one of the top 10 QBs of all time?
well frankly sir, tgg.com and me posting is certainly not in the business of "interesting" you. sorry to disappoint, but i plan on keep on keepin on on this site until a mod says otherwise.
no. hes had great seasons, and statistically not so great seasons, but there are/were reasons that were sadly beyond Vinny's control for that.
You try to warn some people. . . . We wasted that award on a just barely postpubescent internet chat kidling from Allentown, Pennsylvania, with a serious spelling problem, and a penchant telling grand stories about who he is, and an unnatural manlove for Kobe Bryant. I demand a recount!
i'd love nothing more to see chad come back and be successfull, it would just shove it in a lot of peoples faces, but we do however need someone to compete with him