www.vinnytestaverde16.com the 16 is important as if you leave it out you wouldnt get to the site. no, i didnt create the site, i am merely mortal. i am registered and post on there though.
I see from your birthday you are 17..that explains alot. Have you ever heard of Staubach, Unitas, Graham, Starr, Bradshaw, Jurgenson, Brady, Griese, Namath, Kelly, Stabler, Fouts, Simms, Tarkenton, Brodie...etc ? I could go on but I am not sure you would get it. But I suggest you take a family trip to Canton, Ohio..very educational place call the Pro Football Hall of Fame there. Im pretty sure you could get in at a children's discount ticket price.
haha to be totally honest with you... I completely made that site up and i find it quite hilarious that you know of a site who dedicate their lives to please the "16"... ya know... sacrafice firstborns or what other crazy stuff is done overthere. I loved Vinny... but coooomme on you cant put his name in an "of all time" sentence unless your talking about interceptions or years playing. "No Vinny NO!
Hey jets rock... did you know vinny testaverde name in italian would be "vinny Greenhead" I bet thats a life saving fact that you dont know over at www.vinnygreenhead.com
yes i have heard of them, and they all had the luxury of playing on great teams, which VT never had. hes better than them.
ok... so vinny... 19 years in the NFL, your 17.... by the time you could actually start to follow football, lets say 12? 13? I dont buy it little man
Did you ever conceive of the fact that those teams were great BECAUSE of those men..not in SPITE of them? Just because they may have been surrounded by talent does not lessen their greatness..in most cases, their HALL OF FAME greatness. The only way Vinnie gets into the Hall of Fame is buying a ticket..hey, maybe he could but that children's ticket for you at the same time.
no. i never said they were great in spite of them, they fit in nicely with the talent they were surrouned by. quick question chief, in your opinion, which teams were more talented, the 1987-1988 tampa bay buccanneers, or the 2004-2005 pittsburgh steelers????
Playing on bad teams shouldn't change his decision making. If he had bad coaching, but was an all time great, that shouldn't have made a difference in his play. Luck could be a factor in a game or maybe even a season, but that would be a stretch. High interception totals for a career tell me the guy doesn't make that good decisions as a general rule.
uhhh whats my point? Give me facts on why he should be up there with "Elway, Marino, Montana, Young, Favre" So you say. there is NONE! You know how EASILY a QB can turn around a franchise? Vinny didnt do that whatso ever