I just woke up-----Snowing pretty good here-----not sure how many inches,,,,but all is white,,,,,be safe all----keep the updates coming
Been to China and back. Those suckers don't speak English yet. Shame, and weird. I got maybe 4" here, and sleet. This storm sucks.
Only a couple inches and now sleet and rain.....def feels like a bust for me, and they changed my area down from blizzard warning to a winter storm warning
10" in the driveway. Sleet reverted back to heavy snow. Looks like Central PA will get hammered! Crazy neighbor already out snowblowin. Wind simply backfills..
Just got back from taking the dog out. Cold, windy, and it's snowing kind of. What's coming down are pieces of ice. From inside it looked like big fluffy clumps of snow, but get out and you'll feel those suckers have some bulk. It's not as advertised, but be careful out there. My kids are disappointed that this snow day won't mean the sledding day.
Roads were snow packed but passable an hour ago. its starting to ramp up now. all snow all day i think 30" is going to happen
Checking radar long island is a bust. too west too warm. no chance of it recovering. sorry guys. cman should be getting slammed right now. @CBG next few ours will be intense for us
Lots of disappointed people on LI big bust for them,,,,,its been snowing real hard not sure how many inches but best guess would say 7 let you know later---FJF you think we get into mixing issues, I know some people are getting sleet , others went to sleet and then back to snow .
Theres is like 2 inches of ice on the ground by me....just watched a truck spin out and take out a mailbox...be careful out there
was on the phone with my cousin in Brooklyn when she said "WAS THAT LIGHTNING " and then the thunder. It is ripping snow here
snow is flying. approaching a foot. winds are not as bad as forecasted.....yet. i know i can't keep up with whats falling.
FJF this is a good one thus far for us,,,,,,,really coming down---I want to get out there and make a dent in driveway but think it a waste of time
Big plows passed thru twice. Snow wall about 3ft. x 3ft. Not too bad. Coming up on 12". Snow still falling but winds not so bad.
We had a wet, slushy snow for like 30 minutes last night but it didn't really accumulate. Rain ever since.
white out conditions. just got a truck stuck because i lost the road. another truck got stuck trying to get me. he is 50' behind me and i can't see him.