For them to up the numbers so dramatically.....I believe the latest GFS probably went nutso. Would check that model.
latest GFS RUN. I would add a few inches to each number. Without boring you....expect ratios near 12 to 1.
the only thing I would continue to harp on is the possibility of sleet mixing in NYC on east at least. Ocean temps are at almost record highs for this time of the will sleet for many at some point.
this is what I'm talking about with higher numbers then the models are showing. Kuchera maps take into consideration snow ratios. I'm sure FJF and CBG have seen these. Good stuff. These are the numbers I would go with.
OK WHAT DID I miss ? lol,,,,this truly is a wonderful day its like Xmas -----a blizzard and Jay back posting , who could ask for anything more ! Diblassio just closed schools tomorrow no lie. back to models GFS IS on board all models on board ,,,what do you think about start time Jay and FJAY ? IS THIS STARTING BEFORE MIDNIGHT ?
Early tomorrow morning, around 7, maybe a little earlier. This is truly amazing, huge numbers across the board. i will be in it tomorrow so i will try and do my best jim cantorre impression.
Snow is fun until the second time you *have* to pick up a shovel. Then it becomes a PITA and you start looking for outs.
We're solidly in the 18"-24" range in Northern Fairfield County at this point. As long as we don't lose power to downed lines we'll be fine. If we lose power the world will end with several bored teenagers and no internet and no PS4 online stuff. The generator will get us through everything except the 24/7 wired teenager problem. If I was King for a day I would ban all phones that did not have a rotary dialer on them and mandate that all internet enabled consoles be retrofitted for local play only. I think I might save America by doing that.
blizzard warnings throughout the hudson valley, 4"/hr very possible. we should see some complete whiteout conditions and thunder snow.
i wouldn't be surprised if you end up with 2-3" of snow on the backend as cold air fills in. still not bad
Laid about 75lbs of salt down on the sidewalk, driveway and front steps. Both the Ariens and my lil Troy built snoblowers started, ran fine and are ready for action. Picked up 5 gallons of gas just in case I need to refill. Will pick up some Makers Mark 46 in case they limit travel. Locals staying with 12-18" with a possibility of 20-24". Armada parked pointed downhill.. Bring on the Snowpocalypse! I'm packin!!!!
I was out most of the day------now I'm ready to go out cold, gonna check models and intel now whats the latest ? Ps my buddy sent me a message saying that Nassau LI is calling for 6 -12 ,,,,that right ? I dont think it was earlier I thought they were looking at a foot with no mixing issues,,,chime in FJF or I will look now anyways