GD..the rotation is probably half hour 45 minutes away from will begin to pick up shortly...hold on.
11:00pm and still nothing in weather app claims it's snowing here but nothing coming down.
Here is a cam from Long Beach, NY..and its going off down there right very hard. Very hard. link:
All boroughs of NYC are about half hour away from amazing numbers. Easily 2 inch an hour stuff. Here you can see it just WEST of NYC: LINK:
Vodka going down easily ,,,fire in fireplace roaring,,,,snowing lightly still nothing hard or heavy,,,,,,yet
I'm right near LB and it looks much worse there than it is here. Maybe it's just the cam. Snow is now back to the steady stuff.
same vodka..but fire is roaring. Wife just complained that the logs fell. Im running 2 websites at once here...Im tracking every damn radar God ever created. I keep getting up to check the flood lights because the radar has heavier snow within minutes of me...and the damn logs fell. Two sons...on their separate xboxes a mere 20 feet away. Im telling you...its a tough life guys..too much pressure for one human being here. Ok...what the F$@% DO YOU GUYS NEED? joke.
Well damn it MP...keep me updated sir. These radar returns are really busting my balls too. Some show light and they are heavy...some heavy/light. Some look like they are about to enter an area then fizzle out. This storm can kiss my ass. GUYS THAT HAVE FOLLOWED ME..QUESTION...WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT MILLER B STORMS? WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THEM. I FRIGGIN DEPSISE THEM.
Im blacking there anyone here between sandy hook and lets say LBI? About to get hammered with a line of yellow that reminds me of a summer time thunder storm. LINK: