If you throw around record storm, then I believe you. When I hear it on the local new, I get skeptical immediately haha
That map above..I mean....the EURO tends to over amplify huge storms Brook...but thinking 24 to 30 would be honest and dead on...lol..I mean...I will leave it at the bud.
Boston is going to get clobbered DPF...the winds..I mean..yeah..record storm unless models change dramatically the next 12 hours. Lets remember, the first part of the storm starts in less than 12 to 14 hours...this baby is here.
Here is the best breakdown I can give you: First storm comes through overnight and lasts for most of the day Monday dropping 2 to 4 before the secondary storm takes over just before or during evening rush hour. All night long it gets heavier until around 10 pm Monday through 10 am Tuesday where it pours snow...then begins to lighten up a bit and ends Tuesday evening. SOME MODELS have the lighter snow ending early Wednesday morning. I will break something down for you guys because you can take it..will not do this on the website because it will only confuse. IF THE EURO IS RIGHT: NYC MONDAY 1PM 1 TO 2 inches Monday 8pm around 5 or 6 Monday Midnight around a foot Tuesday 5am around 18 Tuesday 10am around 25 Tuesday 3pm around 28. Somewhere in there I will bust big time because although the final number COULD be right...there will be a 6 hour span where almost a foot comes down....yes..2 inches an hour for almost 6 hours. And my numbers are UNDER what the EURO model is showing.