UPDATE ON WEBSITE: Latest short term models trying to show the cold air battling back against the warm air for tomorrows event. While the warm air WILL win....it now looks like areas west of I95 and north of I80 may stay frozen from start time...around 1o or 11am..until sunset. The changeover will be from EAST TO WEST. Could lead to several inches of snow/sleet and freezing rain. More below on website. UPDATE: http://jaysweather.net/
Good idea GQ. Let's do something all together. Draft is a good idea. We will talk more as we get close. And jay. I hope 2015 is a better year for all of us.
Jay I am not buying in yet it's too far off,,,besides someone told me I would be giddy by new years ,,,lol
HA!!..GUILTY....IM GUILTY....lol...good one CBG..very good one...and news flash..I wouldnt buy in either. Updated site...Alberta Clipper coming in morning with a general 1 to 3 inches.
1 to 3 inches? Music to my ears. More reason for me to work from home. Please make it 4 inches Jay. Cheers!
THAT WAS BRUTAL COLD fjf...brutal. Just updated site. We talked about how Alberta Clippers are game changers. How they bring little to the table MOST of the time snow wise...but they change games. First change was the brutal temps...CHECK. Second change will be the pattern...and after a few inches of snow on Friday from snow showers, we will begin to see a pattern change next week. Now will it snow/freezing rain/sleet? yes...but will any of these storms CLICK? Thats the million dollar question that will be answered with the models as early as tomorrow night...will update. DONT BE SURPRISED TOMORROW..if you are driving around and get caught up in a downpour of snow. Some of these snow showers tomorrow will dump heavy snow that will last 15 or 20 minutes...so beware.
FJF , what do you have /see ? been running around like crazy have not had a minute to myself in 3 days,,,,,have not sen the local forecasts . Oh btw today's morning commute was indeed a white knuckles it was snowing pretty hard and the roads were terrible
looks like something coming through mid morning monday. brook you shouldn't have any problems maybe a small delay , cbg maybe rush hour is a little tougher. nothing drastic. thought it could have been more, but no. this morning drive was crazy. took a while to get the plows running so roads were covered for the better part of the morning rush hour. we got more than was expected alot faster than expected.
Good job FJF...might have to watch for some icing problems for the lower hudson valley and NW Jersey on Monday but all should clear out by the time Brook lands. Just updated site.
Jay Signed up for your updates. Cool feature. Now all your posts will come as an email post to me. Great job.
Great indeed. I will have my friends sign up as well. That way, i won't have to carry Jay's posts to everybody.
LOL...you guys are the best....surprised how many people have signed up...and picked a horrible time in the life of Jay to pay the least attention. Will have a personal update in the next few days concerning mom as we are actually home for the first time in 48 hours. The heart..even when the body is done...is an amazing thing when it holds on because what I have witnessed over the past 3 days is...I have no words to describe it. Taking breaths only every 30 seconds for long durations...this has been going on for I dont know how long. The website and a few other things will be back to peak performance sometime in the next 3 to 6 days...will explain...updated the weather for tomorrows games. Also put up a model run for the event that is still a bit too far off the coast for Thursday night/Friday...but its very very close to being a big event with another 100 mile swing. You guys...your patience....you are all the best.
Jay or FJF,,,does anyone know what time this mess will start tomorrow ? I have concerns about ice,,,os most of my day tomorrow is supposed to be outdoors,,,that might not happen