Maybe I misunderstood,,,,,,but you did say " this puppy could bring the goods "I thought that meant for us not much more inland,,,,,,let us know what the euro says,,,,,,,enjoy the day all
Oh yes..I did mean doubt about it CBG...jut not the see what the EURO says at 1.
Looked like its tracking closer to the coast. still leaning towards a rain maker. But thats just my aspiring to be amateur opinion. I am more than likely very wrong. Jay will correct me
FJF it appears you may be correct , I went to Jays site earlier and his update said the same thing as you. Now if this track is more off the coast or dare I say it out more towards sea then you and Jay will both be incorrect and CBG will be a happy camper
Jay,,,,good friend of ours flys out of ny on Monday and coming back on Thursday,,,,,,any problems ? Will Thursday be an issue or all done by then?
I see u are waiting on the euro just read the site,,,well I for one am waiting on " your solid prediction " ,,,lol
lol...EURO is the same..but it doesnt quite make landfall..what does that mean? Not sure..but temp profiles should be colder..but they are not. SOOOOOOO.....status quo...sticking with what I had today...a major mixfest for our area and a major snowstorm 100 miles off the coast. Monday you are fine sir...fine indeed...waiting to see the text ouput for the doesnt make sense to me.
updating site much has changed but you will understand that this is a once in a lifetime track...will be up in 10 minutes.
hey chris..when you go to my website is it snowing on the screen? Is there a picture on the homepage? Its showing up on mine but not for everyone else....Im going nuts with this.
Hey check out what I saw in Osaka, didn't eat any as it was 2 degrees celsius but thought you'd like it. I talked to him, said he was a huuuuuge Gala fan