They say weathermen are great if they are right 50% of the time...well I aint no weatherman...but wow..its friggin warm out today isnt it?
Damn, I saw this thread. Where's my damn snow?????????????????????? I mean I still have 6+ feet in my backyard and 3+ feet on my roof but no plowing = no money! Are we done? Sure seems like it. I'm in Jersey today and its 50 degrees????????????
I gotta think we will get at least a couple more storms before winter is done. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bit of an ice storm in March either.
2 years ago we had about 18" the last day of March. I remember flying to SD on April 1st and talking with people on the plane about it.
They were just talking to you to be nice. Inside, they were all worried, after looking at you, that you were going to do some "bad shit" while onboard. Edit- You can get "on" the plane, I'm getting "in" the plane! George Carlin
It isn't unheard of to get some snow into early April. Still a long time to go before we shake free of the cold. I can't imagine ol' man winter shot his wad in January on us.
My little niece just came in and interrupted True Grit (the original) because there's freaking thunder, lightning, and pouring rain blasting my roof. Total surprise. Caught me totally off guard. Someone's asleep at the switch.
I just arrived home after meeting the wife and kid's at the nearby ski mountain where everyone was inside ducking the thunder, lightning, and hail storm. Now it's really windy at my house.
Jaywayne is for realz that crazy motherfucker is always right. IM so drunk right now but Im sweatin ballz