Jason Taylor has been GREAT against the run aswell. Last Monday against the Ravens he was unbelievable. I remember one play where he shed the Tackle, and then the TE and made the tackle in the back field on Ray Rice. JT is playing great all the way around.
I'm happy for him and us. Now the key is how many times he gets to his old teams QB. Rex brought him in to get 10 sacks this season and he is on his way. One down!
The great part about that is he could have sat out the rest of the game after hurting his elbow. Rex says he goes back in...gets a strip sack....hurts the elbow again. Hopefully, he will be fine this weekend. Not here to just pick up a pay check. I believe him when he says he is here to a win a championship. Yesterday confirmed it for me. He is a Jet.
The reason I preferred to only have him in on passing downs is so he doesn't wear down at the end of the season when we really need that pass rush the most. I noticed hes been pretty good against the run as well.
I liked the hit and it was great technique to get to the QB, something we lack at times. But Im not going to embrace JT as a Jet ever! he will retire a Dolphin and will always been know as a phin, so all he can do for us is help us get to the big one, trach Henne a few times and not be hated.
I said the same thing to my brother after the game. I only wish I had noticed it was Taylor when he made the hit, rather than 30 seconds after. Would have made the hit that much sweeter.
I wonder how Taylor felt hearing the "Jay-Son Tay-Lor" chants building, as he lay on the turf after his injury. How did he feel about the rousing applause from the fans when he got to his feet.
I said I wouldn't fully accept him unless he put a whoppin on Brady and well, he did. So welcome aboard JT :beer: :jets:
I think lots of people posted about this when we signed him. It was said that we'd all be loving him the first time he crushed Brady and forced a fumble. So it is written, so it is done.
No doubt, he's a Jet for sure! He couldve easily stayed out of the game but he came back with a fire in his ass and made brady his bitch. Hope he does the same against the phags!