I've made up my mind for good

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BIG TYMER, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    And you want Jay CUNTLER. Please stop posting on this site you have no football knowladge
  2. MParty7441

    MParty7441 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    you are aware that d'brick is better than all of them? I'd rather take Super Mario over D'brick just for the record.
  3. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    HU? What do you mean so what? Thats what we need, and we will get in from a RT when we draft at #29 or #35. So why spend a pick on a guy that is pretty much, the exact same as the guy we have in place already? Its like saying hey we have Antonio Gates so lets draft Vernon Davis. Doesent make much sense and is a wast of a pic.

    I think that this guy has the tools to be a real good player, he is no Pace or ever will be. Scouts love his 1) wingspan, 2) feet. Have you ever heard them say anything about his ability to pull? Handel a true Bull rusher ala Strahan? or even hear them say he has a nasty strek? NO you havent. Thats what scares me about him. IMO between Brick and Justice I hands down take Justice.
    #23 RochesterJet, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  4. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    It is too early to tell whether D'Brick is better than all of them. There is no sure pick in the NFL. I really feel that Winston Justice, Eric Winston, and Marcus McNeill have the potential to be just as dominating as D'Brick.

    At least we agree on Super Mario :beer:
  5. Theo Huxtable

    Theo Huxtable New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Same to people that have the maturity of a 12 year old
    #25 Theo Huxtable, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  6. MParty7441

    MParty7441 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Yeah, I think Justice has a chance to be just as good. But I feel that Winston will get hurt again.

    BIG TYMER Banned

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Dude, I can't believe you sit there and tell a longtime poster of the site to leave then you turn around and post some stupid shit like this. Don't even mention D'Brick and Adrian Jones in the same sentence.

    To sit there and say taking D'Brick when we already have Jones is the equivalent to taking Davis when you already have Gates is rediculous. Gates is elite at his position, Jones is not.
  8. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Guy, my point is they are the exact same player. Now if you have the "football knowladge" and are a "long time poster" than you would now that Gates and Davis are essentially the same TYPE of player. Sorry if I did not make myself clear. I hope I cleared it up for you
  9. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Sorry Penny, just because you are a longtime poster does not earn you the right to make a rediculious statement like that.
  10. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Are we living in nazi Germany here?
  11. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    RochesterJet is a cut throat debater. i saw him owned some other poster yeterday.. you better bring you A game when you step to him. its very entertaining though.:smile:
    #31 hydro51, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  12. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Right now that is RobA's most pesimistic post of 2006...you're ready for the darkside!!!
  13. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I have no intentions of debating with him, I disagree with his stance but he makes good points and I understand where he's coming from. I just think it's funny that he's telling people what they can or can't say. I'm done with this, tear me up if you want RochesterJet.
  14. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Ok I know school is not in session for the spring break holiday but I may have to take you there, just to get on the blackboard and spit some game.

    For all of you D'Brickashaw Fergeson Lovers and guys like BIG TYMER, let me pose one real legitimate question to you? Given the situation last year IR and Rooike Rb's with no clue on how to pick up a blitz and Bolly calling out autibals would Brick have faired any better than AJ. I think not. So why would he be an upgrade next year. If anything he would be a downgrade for a few reasons. 1) he has no clue what guys like Jason Taylor, Burgess, Seymore....bring each and every play in the NFL, yes he would learn but why go through growing pains again. 2) He would be learning an entierly new system than Groh had a UV all while trying to put weight on and learn how to play infront of 80,000 maniacs each week at the far end of the line. 3) Oh Shit, Im getting bull rushed by Kevin Carter or DAM a Stunt and I have to take on V. Wilfork one on one and my rookie rb is chipping on the other side.

    The list can go on and on....and AJ delt with all of that last season and was considered our most consistent lineman..PERIOD I dont really feel lie going through all of that crap again this year, and I dont fel like calling you out when in week 3 our QB goes down for the season because our #4 pick with "athleticisim and good footwork with great POTENTIAL" got bullied around by a guy AJ took care of on his own last year.
  15. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Thing is, you are making the assumptions that we are aiming to compete next year for a playoff spot. I disagree. If Brick is taken, of course he is going to have to adjust. You can't just expect him to come in as an elite NFL lineman. However, he has all of the tools you want in a lineman, and only needs to bulk up a little more (which his frame can support) and learn some technique to become a good run blocker. He has amazingly fast feet for a lineman and is good at adjusting. His only problem coming in will be the huge bullrushers-and again, he can bulk up. He has top intangibles and has been hitting the weights constantly since freshman year to bulk up and has kept the weight on every year/

    I also don't understand people's arguments against an OL being as important as a playmaker. A good OL is needed to shut down said opposing playmaker, goddammit! They're basically the anti-playmakers, keeping the John Abrahams of the world ineffective in a game. No, it's not a sexy pick. I myself will admit that I would like Mario more. However, if Mario's off the board and Brick falls to us, there's no reason to pass up on him.

    The battles are won in the tranches, and it's all the little things that count. Notice how during a QB's good game and doesn't get sacked or anything, it's the QB that gets the recognition, not the OL. Or they say that DE so-and-so had a bad game, and no sacks. Or RB so-and-so ran for 150 yards. However, who is it that was responsible for giving said QB enough time to get the ball downfield, shutting down the all-pro DE, or giving the RB enough space to run? Yes, it's the good ol' O Line. Teams can only make plays because of a good OL. Tell me, do you think that Shaun Alexander would've been the league's leading rusher without Steve Hutchinson and Walter Jones on the OL???
  16. vilmas our future51

    vilmas our future51 New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    no dbrick........mario or ttrade down
  17. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I bet you are an educated man, I can tell by your posts, Im not eing a dick. But can you please explaine to me or better yet put yourself in mangini's or T-Baums shoes when saying this to Woody? "Sorry Mr. Johnson I know you invested millions in this team but, we are just not ready to make a playoff run this year". Get the FU__ OUT OUT OF HEAR he would reply. Of course we are aiming to compete for a playoff spot, "you play to win the game" I couldnt resist. But really, that must have been the most idotic statement on this thread, other than "PENNY---I Hate Adrian Jones" Who cares dude.
    #37 RochesterJet, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  18. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I understand exactly where you're coming from. However, I'm not saying we just sacrifice the year because of Brick. I mean, do you expect any rookie to perform to their full potential when they come in? I highly doubt that Bush, Mario, Leinart, etc. will be able to play to their full potential their first year. Mario may have an "inconsistent motor" and not be able to deal with the huge and mobile linemen his first year. Bush may have troubles carrying the full load. Leinart will need time to adjust to his new teams offense, and may be troubled by having to play against some great defenses. Brick is not the only top-teir prospect who could struggle his first year. However, if he's available and Mario isn't, I think he'll be more than worth whatever growing pains we have to go through in the beginning.
  19. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    But why go through the pains again when we have his clone in AJ. Look at the 2 men, I mean really look at them. They are very, very similar in terms of their strengths (footwork, long arms) they also have exact weaknesses (weight issues, not an ingaging run blocker....) I truly think they have similar talent with Brick possiably having a little more upside, but not enough to warrent the 4th overall pick. Thats why I get more for my money and get a right tackel later (now our line is complete). If we pic brick, we need to make another round 1,2 selection at RT. Thats alot of $$ and trust to put into 2 unproven comotities, dont you think?
  20. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    You see, that's where we differ. I think that Brick has a lot more upside with much greater potential to be better. I'm sorry, I can't really explain it in words....just watching Brick play, I can see potential, and watching Jones play, I see some potential but not nearly as much. I still can't see why the AJ to RT experiment failed yet at LT he was better. I believe he can be coached into an above average RT, if someone can get through to him. That's one reason why I like the Brick pick; I think Jones fits in just fine as an RT if someone can actually coach him up to it rather than just sticking him there and telling him do play as he did at LT. He needs to learn the "nuances" of the position. He has all the tools to become a good RT for us, and if coached right he could actually perform well there.

    Like I said, that's my main reason. There's no need to waste Jones as a player. I believe he can fit in elsewhere on the line, and we can even pick up someone like Andrew Whitworth or Ryan O'Callaghan in the 3rd or 4th round to develop at RT if our FO doesn't feel that Jones is a good fit at the position, and Jones could be developed as a center or guard.

    And if Jones does end up being able to handle RT, then our line will most likely be better off than if we went with an RT at 29 or 35 and called it a day. Also, I believe we have many more directions to go with those two picks (many more positions have great prospects at those picks), so it gives us better draft flexibility, just in case.

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