I'm ready for this season to start, hopefully we beat the Ravens tonight, hitting up the bar tonight, they are giving away Sanchez Jersey's, wish me luck haha I'm trying to win that shit
Yeah I gotta calm down. One of my clients just asked me how much coffee I had this morning. I told him I was in holiday spirits for Jetsmas (thanks for the save Soss). He thought it was funny...my Phins fan clients may not think so. Nah actually fuck em. They won. No one's ruining my day! (before 7pm anyway)
DUN DUN DUN DUN.... can't wait to get out of work and rush home...HOV lane be damned. 270 is a pain in the ass so am getting on that lane if time starts becoming an issue.
You're both lucky. I'm at work and wishing I took the day off simply because I'll have to leave the office "early" today and fear I'm going to get shit for it and/or be prevented from leaving when I have to. AND I can't listen to all the pre-game chatter on the radio, so it's putting a damper on my mood. AND the most active fucking thread today seems like the reporter chick thread which I really could care less about right now. What a shitty day! Tonight will make up for it!