It started by Rex shifting blame to others in New York and then stating everything is great in Buffalo right now. They will lose. Then we will see his new excuses. Rex is a great salesman. He has tricked everyone in Buffalo and apparently some Jets fans still too.
We have now gone full circle. You have a problem with Rex Ryan when he is doing what every NFL team employee does; in fact, what every businessman in every business does.
Are you really missing what I am saying? He did the same with the Jets, then every year found a new scapegoat. My point is he is saying that right now for the Bills too but whenever they fail or he gets fired, it won't be because of him. Bank on it.
Okay, I'll make this real simple for you - what should Ryan be saying about the Buffalo Bills right now?
I don't care. I don't watch his press conferences anymore. He can say anything he wants right now, as long as he backs it up. That Defense was great without him. He should make it the best in the NFL and a potential playoff team.
Seriously what do you expect him to say, and what does it even matter? Look back at some past coaches associated with the Jets and their media styles: Very Positive: Rex, Herm, Carroll Cliche and Guarded, while cautiously optimistic: Bowles Cliche and Guarded, while evasive and paranoid: Belichick, Mangini Confrontational: Parcells i had no issue with any of their styles (except maybe Mangini), as they were being true to themselves. but more importantly, NOBODY is going to come out pessimistic, and none of the media styles meant a thing in terms of wins and losses. yet this is what you are hanging onto. it's a weak argument. and at what point last year did Rex scapegoat anyone? he came out week after week putting all the blame on himself, which is more than i can say about Idzik.
One of them is out of the NFL forever and the other is an NFL head coach a year later. That says it all.
I thought we were done here, but no his loud mouth is just part of the problem. His in-game coaching ability is terrible too. I feel I am wasting my time talking to you guys now though. You feel how you feel and nothing I say will change it.
"Rex is a joke. He says everything is perfect in Buffalo right now. Can't wait to see his excuses when they fail too. It's never his fault. Rex collapsed in 2011 and went 6-10 in 2012 too. Idzik's fault? Nope. Tannenbaum, Sanchez, Tebow, etc. couldn't be Rex! He is a winner who hates to lose!!!" "I don't care. I don't watch his press conferences anymore. He can say anything he wants right now, as long as he backs it up. That Defense was great without him. He should make it the best in the NFL and a potential playoff team." Well, which is it? Either you can't wait to see what he has to say or You don't care. You can't have it both ways even if you've been knighted.
I think that on the surface, getting rid of the only coach that got us in the AFC championship game twice doesn't make sense. But then again, you could've made a similar argument about Herm and we happened to be right on that one.
Without a decent QB on the roster, Rex already has his scapegoat. In his eyes, they will win because of Rex and lose because they don't have a QB.
and what will your 'excuse' be for Bowles when he doesn't win the Super Bowl this season? what will cause the Jets to win and lose? just curious to know how far the double standard extends..
and it was the only pick i really liked! i'm more upset at releasing IK than i am at losing Geno for a few weeks.
That POS is a one trick pony, with tweener size, and wasn't making the team. Fuck him. That scumbags value was minimal compared to Smith's for this team, and that's saying something. I had little Faith in Geno, but that scumbag set the team back immeasurably, two days before their first pre-season game. Meantime the skell fucked his whole organization; teammates, coaches, fans and all. Let him go play in Canada and take it in the ass from Michael Sam who's basically the same player