They don't have equipment. I don't know which country/s are supporting their oil business (I hope that info gets exposed), but they do have recruiting. I agree it's weak, but they have some reach.
But people in this country follow it like its some new trend or something. The people that follow it in this country, are they really down with it? Do they really believe in that shit?
SheeeITE... Namath? the first ISIS fighter?;600;450
i believe the biggest nubmers are from denmark, and its country announced that they will not lock them down when the fighters will come back.
Feel like I might have been followed now lol That is exactly where I was. I went into Malmo Sweden for a day too. It was strange. completely, speculative on my part, but I saw two Muslim men, one missing an arm, talking in a park right by Malmo castle (it just looked and felt strange, completely speculative, but it felt like they were speaking of a much more serious nature than the park or the castle). So, I guess I am stereotyping, but it also wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if these men were involved with recruiting since it is such a hot button topic.
Just to follow up with the returning bit. 1) if anyone wants to leave this country or another to go fight, please go (we should not restrict people from going). 2) If people want to return to a country after going to fight, they should have heavy surveillance. The ISIS movement is fundamentally wrong on extraordinary level. The word "Caliphate" and "Jihad" have stirred a radical movement hell bent on hurting anyone that would stand in the way. It's clear to me that there will never be peace in that region of the world for as long as I am here on earth and most likely long after. War will never solve the problems over there; to find peace there must be diplomacy.
All these islamo-nutcases are wrong on an extraordinary level. The root cause is failed lives and redirection of inadequacies and anger towards a scapegoat.
For an idea on the timescale we're likely to be dealing with here: the KKK was formed in 1866, a year after the Civil War ended. They're still around although most of the violence related to them is not. So, 2139 for the quieter, gentler Christian and Jew-hating Islamic extremist who has been conditioned not to reflexively blow themselves up because it's been a century and none of that helped? The KKK didn't get gentler because the FBI put them down, although that's a common myth. They got gentler because they were losing the Civil Right's battle progressively quicker with every nationally reported lynching. By the late 60's they had effectively lost the war and then the legal system began the process of putting them down in the civil courts.