I love the time travel theory...Only issue is if it existed why havent people or beings from the distant future travel back in time for any reason? I imagine it alters history, or the world gets destroyed before time travel is ever concieved. Here is a question...If time travel was capable, at which point in the past would you time travel to witness the event live?
Maybe time travelers aren't visible to people in the present. I'm going to watch the Jets win the superbowl live.
time travel (backwards anyway) is not possible. A smarter man than me once told me that "Time is like a river always flowing in one direction. We are just floating along. You might be able to get out of the river and jump in later on through a worm hole or something (time travel into the future) but you can only go upstream not downstream against the strong current. "
http://thescienceexplorer.com/unive...ark-energy-and-time-was-discovered-physicists Pretty simple, just reverse the dark energy in the universe and time will reverse. I'm sure the kind folks at Pro Football Focus can make this happen.