It's a lie. The US has started just as many fires as anybody else since we stepped on the world stage. We just think we're better than everybody else and our fires don't count. This is true for everybody btw. You take the lowest form of pond scum government in the worst country in the world and they'll really believe that they're right and everybody else is wrong.
I've often wondered about something. Could you imagine how popular Billy Joel would be if he were a gentile and wrote a song ridiculing Jews that was half as insulting as Only the Good Die Young? Fucker would have disappeared in the 70s.
Can you imagine how little influence Jews would have in the entertainment business if they'd actually been allowed to enter most legitimate professions and prosper over the last two centuries instead of being relegated to entertainment, financial services and other professions that were looked down on by the genteel classes? Bitching about their influence in Hollywood and Media in general when they were shunted into those professions for generations by society is kind of silly, no? Not that I don't love the Marx Brothers but I'm guessing Groucho Marx could have run US Steel better than the people who drove it into the ground if that had been a possibility in the 20's and 30's.
When the performing arts is one of the few paths upwards you develop those talents over the generations. Also humor is one of the few ways to disarm violent people without taking an ill-advised swing at them.
Moneylending has always been a lower form of occupation. The bible specifically suggests throwing the moneylenders out of the temple. One of the reasons that Jews were granted a favored status in the old Islamic world is because they could fill the role of moneylender and moneychanger for a world that frowned upon the pursuit but bent to the reality that it was a necessary evil. This occupation smoothly transferred over to western europe which is why so many of the great bankers were Jewish.
Spot on. Call up any radio station (however 'progressive') and ask them to play Frank Zappa's "Jewish Princess" off the album "Did I Offend Anybody?" ....not happening.