Unless I break my cycle, I'm on even numbered Samsungs for the near term. I got the S4 now and love it. Traded in my IPhone for it since my job provided an IPhone and I didn't need two. Unless the S6 is taking a quantum leap, I don't see the need to upgrade every other year. Just doesn't make sense as I don't have to have the latest and greatest. At the end of the day, its still a cellphone afterall.
I wouldn't be surprised if Samsung released the S6 with their own OS, Tizen, although right now they are only set to release the first phone with that OS in Russia sometime this year (if it hasn't already, last I read they pushed the release date.) I rock the S4 myself and I've had it for about a year and a half with no issues, best phone I've ever had. I may end up getting the S6 for the fuck of it, though. I like having a new phone. The main problem with sticking with the same phone for 3+ years is those are usually the last ones to the OTAs for new android versions, and I stopped rooting a couple of phones ago.
Looked kinda gimmicky. Didn't Google get the first wrist computer on the market? I think it was before the google glasses but I'm not sure. Not sure if it's a "must have" or a "wanna have" yet.
Samsung is nuts if they think they can make a better OS than Google can. I don't think very many Android users will prefer Tizen over Android.
Yeah, I don't know if it will be released in the states unless it's wildly successful overseas, but in this day and age with Apple and Google basically giving the government an open door, they may end up giving an option of an alternative OS. It would definitely limit the available apps.
Don't mind me, I'm just being Conspiracy Guy. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/06/nsa-google_n_5273437.html