I once kept them talking on the doorstep for about 15 minutes, debating this and that. They finally dropped their "I take it you don't believe" bomb to which I replied "On the contrary, I believe, I just think it is aliens." Their mouths dropped open, they turned around and walked away never to return. In fact they clearly avoided me whilst calling on neighbours. My wife was sitting just out of sight listening to me and wetting herself with laughter. This was 20+ years ago, way before ancient aliens. They've probably got a reply all lined up by now.
I thought this thread was about Inappropriate Humor. Lately every post is so Appropriate I feel compelled to change the title. Lol.
That’s right , and you’re all coming with me. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http...a3j_FQp8BmJSQuYmbz0bsZ4XQBMNibdxfURJ_SiOu&s=1 Seriously though, I hope he hit a steep decline on the scooter and took his teeth out on a car bumper