Major props for the article, fozzi - it puts into words very nicely what a lot of us who believe in Rex and his method are really thinking. I'd like to see more people step up to the plate with writing articles for the home page, I think it would help to show more diversity in thought than the typical Game Recap --> Power Randings cycle (which I have nothing against, but a little variety is nice). Cman, I just don't see this argument anymore. I've lived in New England since the beginning of the Rex era and as a result have to deal with Pats fans every day. I can tell you first hand that there's been a major shift in their demeanor towards the Jets. Most Pats fans who I know view the Jets as a legitimate threat that isn't likely to go away for a while. That's a very, VERY far cry from how they viewed us when I got here; we were a minor annoyance with a rat for a coach who might get lucky now and again but were no better than Miami or Buffalo. I don't doubt that other fanbases feel the same way; their feelings have gone from ambivalence to hatred because they view the Jets as a legitimate threat. Sure, they'll laugh about Rex and his bluster (just as we'll laugh about Bellichik and his smugness and douchbaggery), but at the end of the day there's a level of respect there that I never saw as a fan, even when Parcells was coach.
Rex isn't going to change. He sold himself to Woody as he is and Woody bought him as what he is. What he is is a big talking defensive coach with a plan for how to run a football franchise. I love the swagger and the effort to kill the SOJ mentality that he is putting forth. Little does he realize that a .600 record isn't enough to kill it quite yet. At the very least Rex has made it fun to watch Jets football. He plays a style of football that has led to a winning record over three years with an energy that is fun to watch. I really hope you're going to be disappointed in this organization for another decade because I hope Rex sticks around for at least that long. edit: Actually I don't hope you are disappointed. I hope you can learn to love Rex, warts and all.
I'm curious Mobius. If regular season beatdowns by the Patriots over the Jets gets trumped by one loss in the post season, doesn't that speak more to the insecurity of the Patfan? Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that although they hate us, they respect us now. If they keep kicking our asses, how long do you think that will last? Rex Ryan the DC is perhaps one of the best in the game. Rex Ryan the HC isn't quite there yet. He has a the best record of any Jets coach but given the history of this franchise.. Rex in year 5 or 7 or 10 of being the HC won't be the same guy you see today. I suspect alot of the bluster will be replaced by years of experience and wisdom. Whether he's still the HC of the NYJ's I suspect will be entirely dependent on him. His dad self destructed and I'm hoping Rex didn't get that gene passed on to him. Rex has given this franchise self respect. Something that had been building since Kotite was sent on his way. Parcells started it, Herm and Mangini didn't do anything to damage it, and Rexy is builidng upon it. He still needs to win, not simply place or show and if Rex and his crew are gonna talk the talk, they had better start walking the walk.
I disagree JFMD. I think as the years go on and Rex gets more experience at being a HC, he'll adapt and change and become a more polished HC. Right now, IMO, he's still transistioning from DC to HC even in his 3rd year. Everyone has a learning curve. Even Rex Ryan. Regarding killing the SOJ's and the SOJF, only one thing will do that. That is a SB appearance. Not necessariliy a win, but an appearance and a good game will do it. The 42 year streak has to die in order for the SOJ's and the cynicism of the fanbase to die along with it. If I'm seeing improvement instead of stagnation, I'm fine with Rex or any other HC of the NYJ's. Swagger doesn't mean squat if there's nothing behind it and so far, all we got to show is two AFCCG appearances. More than we've had in a long time, but in the big picture, not a helluva lot and this year, it appears we've taken a step backwards. Not due to Rex, but instead a FO that perhaps overestimated the team's overall talent level. Talking big and playing small isn't the way to build a champion IMO.
So the Jets win the SB in a close game and SOJFs will go on? I'm rooting for soylent green at that pace.
I'm more of a mind that if the Jets MAKE the SB, win or lose the SOJF's will have something to hang their hats on after 42 years. The ghosts of the SOJ's will go the route of the 'Aints into the dustbin of NFL history. All Rex has to do is deliver a SB and he'll get a pass from every Jets fan far and wide. But he does have to deliver and honestly, this fanbase and this franchise really needs a SB appearance moreso than a AFCCG.