Im sick and tired of these mindless Jet fans bashing Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JohnnyThaJet, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    It's amazing how delusional people are. Whats Sanchez's biggest flaw? HES THE WORST INSTINCTUAL QB I HAVE EVER SEEN. All the int's and more importantly the pick 6's on the 10 and 20 yard line. He holds on to the ball too long and does not make smart reads. If the Jets had a healthy Chad Pennington we would prob have about 10 wins right now. The man had a noodle arm, but goddam he was a smart QB. Sanchez could learn a thing or two from Chad.
  2. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    OK next up the fin' you it's just Shotty putting this plan togather and Rex just wait to call the ocaisional run?
  3. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I think I lost braincells reading this. You're trying to tell me when a QB throws the ball into coverage because he simply can not read a defense. If anything its one of the most important stats a QB can have, cause this is the stuff that loses games.
  4. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Using Profootball references's advances stats:

    2009, 2010, 2011 stats

    QB rating + >> 75, 90, 93 (100 is league average)
    Comp % >>54, 55, 56
    Comp % + >> 76, 81, 85
    Total TD >> 15, 20, 30
    TD% >> 3.3, 3.4, 4.7
    TD% + >> 90, 90, 105 (huge improvement here)
    INT >> 20, 13, 15
    INT % >> 5.5, 2.6, 2.9
    Yards >> 2,444 3,291 3,267 (with one game left)

    You get the idea. Could've listed a few more stats, but I provided the link. Great improvements? In some areas yes. Small improvements? In most areas yes. Regression? I barely see any unless you want to cherry pick stats.
  5. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You want to know what Stats count? Wins losses and SUPERBOWL WINS. game over bitches. List all the stats you want, list his diet and workout routine it's not going to make a difference. He's a backup level QB at best. When the Jets were a ground and pound team, his shity passing was effective.
  6. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    I'm not sure what you are trying to argue. Patsfan brought up the point of a pick 6 as a means of regression, as if its a defining stat, but its not. A pick 6 is driven largely by luck/skill of the interceptor and how he gets to the end zone. I never said an interception is a poor stat (obviously these are bad), I'm saying a pick 6 is. I probably could have phrased it better but you get the idea. I promise you, you won't find any correlation of interceptions thrown to pick 6's because the data is so sporadic. I'll try and find that study I referenced in the post.
  7. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Unfortunately, this argument is counterproductive. If you go strictly by wins/losses it actually shows he's a well above average QB (32-23). Educate yourself kid.
  8. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I don't think anyone is blaming Sanchez for every problem. People are blaming him for not playing like an NFL quarterback every week. And why don't you take a stab at educating the mindless fans about football? I'd like to see what you've got.
  9. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    These stats don't matter
  10. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You see its driven by the skill not the luck of the QB. I am not talking about the picks where a guy dives and pulls the ball out of mid-air and it makes the ESPN highlight reel. I mean the pick 6 everyone in the stadium and watching at home cringes when he cocks his arm back and can't see the danger. He does that a lot.
  11. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Four years ago, if you asked the Jets brass if these numbers, and very slight progression each year, would be acceptable for a QB they traded up for and selected 5th overall, what would the answer be?
  12. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    you call 32-23 well above average? If anything its about Average. Educate your self, he's the problem.
  13. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding no.
  14. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I have gone to every game this season, even the road games. All 15. So I sit there and watch him on every play. That wasn't "look at me!", it was simply to establish my credentials.

    Example 1: he makes very bad throws into coverage constantly. He seems to try to force things to happen instead of looking for another receiver, running for a few yards, or just throwing the ball away.

    Example 2: he hardly ever looks for receivers other than his primary receiver. You can't see that kind of stuff on TV, but he often will throw the ball where there's 2-3 defenders in the area while there's another receiver in another spot standing with his arms in the air, all alone.

    Example 3: His accuracy has inexplicably dropped. Forget completion %, I'm talking about real-world accuracy here. He misses guys badly, and often over throws wide open guys, or throws the ball out of bounds. It is abundantly clear to me that his receivers make ridiculous catches a lot more often this year than they did last year. Look at Plaxico and the circus catches the guy has been making.

    Example 4: he's losing the ball a lot more

    I can probably come up with a few more if you want. The point is, he hasn't improved at all, and to me it's obvious he's regressed. To what degree, we can argue. He hasn't seriously regressed, but a guy who has experienced mostly highs and has buckled under the pressure of the lows without adjusting and overcoming them to any real degree can't be considered as having "slight improvement".

    With all due respect, don't look at just the stats and say I'm confusing regression with minor improvement.
  15. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    A .581 winning % in the NFL is average? Really?

    I never said he wasn't the problem, he deserves his fair share of criticism. I merely pointed out to the poster above me the diff between regression and slight improvement.

    If you wanna start strawman arguments, be my guest.
  16. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    yes without question. schotty has little to no intervention by the HC regarding his gameplan and play calling.
  17. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    A 58.1% percentage is pretty good-that's 9 or 10 wins a year.

    However, anyone who judges a QB by his team's winning percentage is a complete moron.
  18. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Sorry, going to a game doesn't qualify you to be an expert/credentials on QB play, and in fact I can make the argument that watching TV gives you a better understanding of the game by seeing the vast replays they show. So this is an irrational point you made. Its something a middle school kid would say ('I know more than you because I see them in person!' and I actually laughed after I read that sentence (no offense). I do give you credit for going to every road game (if that is indeed true). Props for that.

    1) He's made these types of throws all 3 years of his career. How is this year worse than the last two? Do you have a journal of all his throws he keeps? No, all you're doing is using your most recent data (this year) as opposed to the last two years. You always remember more recent events better than previous ones. His comp% is up (albeit a minor one).

    2) I actually CAN see this on tv, considering all the replays they show (it isn't difficult to see a QB move his head in a certain direction). Again though, how can you quantify he does this this year more than the last 2 years?

    3) There is a theme here isn't there? You keep making subjective viewpoints. His comp% is up, yet I'm supposed to believe that his incompletions are worse than last year? You can't be serious? This statement also works both ways. How about all the passes this year that Holmes and Keller dropped? Or passes that went to no one, implying his receivers ran the wrong routes? How often have we seen Keller this year run the wrong route or have the ball hit him right in the face?

    4) He has 1 more fumble than last year. Overtime, a fumble is a simple 50/50 proposition. One of the other posters here started a thread about this (very good read if I may add). So if you want to get angry over him fumbling one more time than last year be my guest. Now if you wanna say he fumbles too much, thats a different story. This is hardly a regression though.
    #198 CurbYourEnthusiasm, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  19. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Never mind...
  20. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Amen. Kicker kicks a 59 yarder and a 53 yarder when Tebow couldn't get them closer than that, and he's the next great QB. Gimme a break. Tebag sucks.

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