NFL Today at 10:00 a.m.; Jets-Dolphins at 10:30 a.m. Herald TV Guide - Halifax Sunday, October 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 2 COMM Local Programming Local Programming 3 CBHT Corrie Street Marketplace Power and Politics "Canada Votes 2015" Land and Sea One on One 4 CIHF Joel Osteen Paid Program 16x9 The West Block "Decision Canada" 5 CTV2A Corner Gas Operation Smile Church of the Rock Question Period 6 CJCH The NFL Today NFL Football New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins (LIVE)
I'm from London and only started following the NFL/JETS this year. I wish I knew about the NFL/American football earlier its a shame we don't teach it in school/colleges over here (Guess running costs would be too much + health/safety, insurance etc). We only have clubs like London Warriors etc but there are British guys like Lawrence Okoye and Efe Obada (LDN warriors) who haven't played American football b4, haven't gone through college and still made the PS for Cardinals and Cowboys which is a huge achievement. Its a shame the Jets vs Miami game is on Sunday at 2:30PM UK time when there are some big EPL matches going on and the Rugby World Cup is on. Arsenal vs Man Utd is a huge game on at 4PM so sadly lol I had to pick the Arsenal game over the Jets but I'm hoping to watch a game at the Metlife soon, can imagine the transport in London being a nightmare with the huge crowds for NFL, EPL and Rugby all on the same day. I wouldn't be happy losing a home game abroad, doesn't make any sense to me you guys only get 8 home games compared to 19 home games you get in the EPL. I'd be ticked off as a home fan, losing home advantage and unnecessary traveling wonder if season ticket holders get any discounted travel etc for this game? I'm against the idea of having a franchise in London, what should happen is there should be a London college team pick all the best athletes in the UK and play games in NCAA.
The majority of the market is is CST east and it's not even a close call. You're letting millions of kids watch the games instead of ignoring them. Put the west coast and mountain time zone games on at 5:30 local time and put the rest on at 7 EST. People on the west coast can TIVO games just fine and watch them starting when they get home. Kids on the east coast will never see those games, because how many kids TIVO a game so they can watch it the next day? By the next day they're on to the next thing and the game is old news and the NFL missed out on an opportunity. I really hope the local sports bar is open at 9 on Sunday. Haven't had Bloody Marys and football together since 1989 or so.
Someone should change the title of this thread ... otherwise you are going to have a bunch of fans tuning into the game at 1030am EST with Geno.
Not only that but it's up against the semi-finals of the Great British Bake Off over on the main BBC channel, overlaps with Ireland Vs Italy on the other major channel and Channel 4 has the horse racing as per usual. I don't think 'attracting new fans' is the point to having games over here as there's no mention of it in the national press or news (though that might change if they have time to run a 'colour' piece.), competition is massive and if you use the advertised means of watching all the NFL games (Gamepass) you get 3 games blacked out a week + all the playoffs and even the Superbowl!!!* *you can get these blacked out game son Sky ofc but then if you have Sky you can watch La Liga, Eredivise, MotoGP etc....etc... instead.
Yh bad timing Jets vs Dolphins would get more publicity but there are so many other events going on in London. Lots of cooperates in London so Wembley will always sell out. Very attractive market for NFL owners Wembley will easily sell out for 8 games. I get the impression with NFL games its better to watch on TV than watching live because its so stop/start, so many changes going on with O, D, special teams, punting units and the ball isnt in play for long.
But Sunday is breakfast sandwiches and bloody Mary's for sure. If your going to drink at 9 am you keep it classy
By staggering the games the way they do, they can make the most amount of money. Fiscally, cutting out markets like the entire western half of the US would make no sense at all.
You guys only scream on 3rd downs vs the opposing offence to put them off right but when the Jets offence is on you try to make as little noise as possible b4 the plays? American football culture is very different to British football culture.
Typically 3rd down is when your supposed to get loud but if the stadium is hype people stand up as soon the defense comes out . As far as offense it's still pretty loud but people just cheer after a good play is completed