I know this is being hypocritical, but can everyone stop posting in this thread and just let it die. A couple reasons for this: a) No one cares if Killeri9590 is no longer a Jets fan so there's no reason to comment. b) Anyone that abandons a team like that isn't really a fan. c) He's posted about 17 times in this thread, so obviously he's just trying to be an annoying bitch. d) I personally think he's been a fan since his TGG join date (Oct 2008). They were looking pretty good at the time if I'm not mistaken. I'm surprised he didn't jump off the bandwagon a couple losses ago.
I've been a Jets fan since Cotight's "we'll review the film" days. I have a couple of points as I too feel like I was shot in the stomach and might be giving up on football all together. 1. The Jets, since Cotight, have been the farm team of the NFL. Every big name the Jets have had seemingly got traded within the next 3 years with the exception of Chrebet. Keyshawn, Santana Moss, Vilma, Abraham, Farrior, etc... list goes on and on. 2. Ticket prices keep going up every year and now, after being a season ticket holder all this time, they've fucked us in the ass sideways by TAKING our rights and doing as they wish with them. No offer from the organization, no team signed jersey, not even a fucking bobble head doll. Pay more or get the fuck out. Now, why should you spend your Sundays watching a team that doesn't give a shit about you, the fan, or about winning games? All they care about is money. Saving money, charging more money and not resigning good players. The Jets no longer deserve my time or my money and no one here can argue my points. Fuck Johnson and Johnson, fuck Mangini, and fuck every one of you that has the balls to try to prove me wrong. Im out
Okay, if you're looking for a team that cares about you, you might want to give up on professional sports. Might as well quit your job too because they don't care about you and are only interested in money. It's a business first. Never forget that. That's why it's called entertainment. Because people will pay for it.
My girlfriend is new to football as of this season. I mean, she knew nothing about the sport. She knew there was a team called the Giants and another team called the Cowboys. She also knew that Kim Kardashian is dating a football player. Well, I taught her some basic stuff this season and she was to be a Jets fan like me. I just texted her a few moments ago to see what she was doing. She wrote that she is still shopping. I wrote back, "Ok. The Jets are pathetic and embarrassed themselves today by losing to a crap team." She replied, "Then I'll choose another team." LOL
Same. As much as I would love to be a fan of any other team right now (save the lions), I know that come draft time I would be drinking the green kool aid again. Being a Jets fan, it's a curse I tell you.
Look, you KNOW deep in your heart that no matter what you write on this message board tonight out of frustration, anger, and depression, come next sunday, you will be hoping beyond all hopes that the Bills or Jags find a way to win while the Jets beat the dolphins. There's not much more to say.
Forget the fact that this guy said "kill himself" if anything ive learned that isnt something to take lightly especially on a message board.. Dude its not that serious, have a drink youll feel alright tomorrow..
My favorite teams go in this order: 1. New York Jets 2. Kid Bro Sweets 3. Plaxico & The Shotgun Formations 4. TJ Ocho Cuatro 5. The Minnesota Party Boats 6. Stupid Bitch, I Ordered a Mojito Numbers 2 through 6 may be fantasy teams, but its debatable.
wait wait wait, now what happens if the Jets pull off a miracle next week and make the playoffs? Does this guy switch teams again? Now what happens if the Giants lose tonight? New Team tomorrow?